Idols – Christians Are Worshiping Idols

In ancient biblical times the people often worshiped idols. Even in Paul's time the people often worshiped idols. It's so good to know we of the modern world have progressed to the point we do not worship idols. Or do we? Track you time and activity this week. How much time do you spend watching TV? Following football? Worshiping God?

Judge the idol you worship by the time and money you spend with each. Where your heart is where your time is. Unfortunately most Christians have fallen into the cultural trap and devote their time to worshiping cultural idols. It's all easy to say God is first but who really puts him first?

Track your time this week or look at last week. How much time is spent praying? Reading the bible? Attending church? Now how much time is spending surfing the internet? Watching TV? Following your football team? Want to get really upset. Now track your wallet for the same activities. It may not be a gold cow on your mantle but most of us have fallen into the trap and are worshiping other idols with our time. And money.

Here is a study of Christian males completed by UMC Mens Foundation:

Average Hours spent in a week: (by men claiming to be Godly and Christian)

On the internet – 22 hours

Watching / studying footbal – 15 hours

Playing sports, fitness – 7 hours

With "Entire" family – 5 hours

In church or worship – .95 hours

The bible states a man's heart will be where he sees his time and money. Though all said God should be first in their life and is the most important thing in their life. Obviously other "gods" are more important and getting the bulk of his time and attention.

I'm not judging college football as being evil on its merit. But I am saying it's an issue when the average American male spends 21 hours per week following football while the average American male spends 45 minutes in worshiping his God. Even for a devout Christian the odds are that he spends far more time in front of a display screen that in front of a bible. And so we have set our priorities wrong – we need to put God first in our lives; in our outlook calendar; in our schedule and in our activities. Or we are as guilty as the golden calf worshipers – following idols.

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