Importance of Music in School Cirruculum
There are some basic reasons that justify the inclusion of music in the elementary curriculum.
The first of the reasons is that music serves mainly as an aesthetic or a visual experience. This experience basically involves the observation of significance with the help of sound images rather than all the way through printed communication, discussion, any sort of arithmetical modus operandi, or additional type of expression.
The improvement of one’s artistic intellect has proved the ability of being able to enhance the excellence of life equally throughout the school years and through the later years. Music’s significance as an opportunity to identity consciousness has been confirmed by experts such as Rogers and Maslow.
The second reason for which music is regarded to be an important part of the curriculum, is the role that it plays in understanding the culture. Music is a true demonstration of the traditions, community culture, aspirations and accomplishments of humankind. In music are embedded various custom values, and beliefs of the common man.
At the same time, communication with the help of music is sort of abstract; the learner must be educated to interpret this nonfigurative representation of music coordination in order to understand it.
Finally, for the reason that music edification is supported on the technique the brain understands music, it is capable of manipulating the expansion and growth of the superior cognitive procedures of the brain that are usually not possible in other fields. In recent times revealed study at the University of California has shown that prepared melody teaching improves student’s spatial aptitude, which holds a significant constituent in arithmetical way of thinking and judgment.
Supplementary investigation in this field have revealed that the brain ought to have loaded, sensory knowledge experiences if it wants to raise itself to a higher level of intellectual growth and ability. Students dispossessed of these sensory stimulation that are provided specially by music have been equated by enlightening experts to youths who at some point of time in their lives experienced brain inactivity or damage.
Lessons in music have shown their benefits by increasing the creativity and ability of the mind as well as decisive and contradictory philosophy. These are some essential skills that are needed by the brain to develop into a higher being for the present and future work place.
Clearly, all of these profits that are listed above are unswervingly connected to one’s mastery of the customs of thoughts and meaning in music and to one’s aptitude to understand writing and appreciate the fine distinction of denotation which it encloses. This is the explanation that states the importance and necessity of music in the elementary education.
With these benefits of music come to light, the focus and stress on inclusion of music has increased by many folds. With the media paying more attention to the needs of education, and the proposed budget cut reductions, the schools are now forced to cut some corners in their facilities and curriculum. However, the schools have kept intact the basic elementary classes of physical and musical training that help the students develop into a better human being at all levels.
The music classes that have been an integral part of some school curriculums classes have shown excellent results. The following explains the various benefits that have been shown by the application of music on children aged between four years to fifteen years.
Arithmetic ability: Music and melody compositions that had been included in the curriculum for children aged between four to fifteen years of age have shown positive results in deciding the mathematical ability of the children. Music has shown itself to help the child’s brain develop in an enhanced manner, thereby resulting in a better aptitude and skill to understand arithmetic as soon as they get older.
Since math’s is an integral part of our lives at every stage of life, it is essential to develop good mathematical skills. In order to survive in the technology driven world of today, it is very important for the children to develop their arithmetic and logical abilities from childhood.
Especially with our global economy, By refusing to expose our children to music at an early age we may be robbing them of an essential skill to compete with other countries.
Science Skills: These skills are also a benefit of music classes for many of the same reasons as before. Music enhances our children’s reasoning skills, which is important to understand how science works. Again, these skills are required for our children to be competitive in the future.
Reading Skills: Music classes teach the students on how to concentrate on small things. In order to efficiently understand what is being read and written, music is an essential element for its success. It also enhances memory and recall skills. This is helpful in all areas of our children’s education. With illiteracy rate going up in our country, we must begin to try to enhance these skills.
Community Skills: Music permits our kids to make effort in groups to generate music as a whole. By putting your child’s name down in the music programs in school, you actually consent your youngster to become skilled at how to lend a hand and work together with others for a universal goal.
These classes allow children how normally wouldn’t associate with each other to cooperate and promote unity. A sense of belonging is very important in our culture today. Especially important to those who grow up in environment which constantly plague on their emotions. Studies show that music classes enhance self-esteem in their students. Music education may also be an important step in reducing the incidence of violence in our school by bringing the students together.
Moreover, other than these skills, music classes also help the children to increase their Intelligence quotient levels. At times, children who are dealing wit hearing and speech problems since childhood cope up with these inhibitions during a music class.
It also helps children who experience inhalation and verbal communication intricacies and learning disabilities. They may be many other things that have not been discovered.
By do away with these classes from our child’s schools, in reality we are stealing from our children the essential abilities that are required by them to build a better future for themselves. These kids are going to be the ones who run everything in now a few years. Do you want that your child gets incomplete education in any form? Or do you want to hand your own future in such hands which do not possess sufficient skills to carve a better future for themselves?
Some of the examples of doing these are listed below:
1. Singing which is pure form of complete musical expression in all cultures across the globe. It helps the child to open up and improve his communication skills. It helps them to express their ideas and thoughts in a better manner.
2. Instruments also play an important role as a means to enhance interpersonal behavior and expression. Also playing of musical instruments in a group helps the child to learn about team spirit.
3. Composing and writing lyrics for melodies, is a very creative activity that is again an important method to improve communication skills and learn to effectively express one’s thoughts.
Music classes are indispensable. Do not allow your ignorance position in the system of our children’s opportunity. Inform yourself on the reimbursements of these lessons. If you have a different opinion that is okay, but try to understand the other side of the debate before making your decision.
If in case, the local school in your city is planning to do away with the music classes after heeding to some parents, step forward and be vocal. Raise your concern and try to advise the ignorant. Endeavor to bring to an end your neighboring school organization from taking from our children the essential skills.
In case, you stand unproductive in your endeavors to stop the school administration from barring music classes, try to get them reinstalled by some way. Show them examples and results that have been researched.
If you know some children who have taken benefits from these music classes, ask them to help the children of the school in knowing the benefits of music. That will greatly help as children tend to listen to their own age groups better. One or two lessons per week or enough to get the benefits of music classes.