Internet Marketing – The Mindset You Need to Succeed in Internet Marketing

Whether you are article marketing and list building, or you are using some other system to make money online, the money will not just happen. You must do work to make it happen, and you have to have the drive and desire to see it all through.

You see, so much of the money that you make online will not make the very first week or the very first time you do something.

For example, you may only get 5 subscribers from the first article that you write and submit. Or you might get 100. And neither of those is indicative of your future. If you base your expectations of the future on your immediate results, you will probably be disappointed.

You see, you might not think that writing an article is worth it to get just 5 subscribers, but you do not realize that there is a cumulative effect that occurs when you write and publish multiple articles.

On the flip side, if you get 100 subscribers on your first article submission, you can be assured that it is a fluke. If you base your expectations on that, you will be sorely disappointed. So you must have the drive and desire to do whatever it takes to see your internet marketing success all the way to the future.

You must have an absolute, nothing is going to stop you, attitude towards internet marketing. Some of your results will be better, some will be worse. People will respond to your style of writing differently than they do mine. You will have to learn to adapt to that, you may have to learn more about writing. You may have to put aside the mindset that you are a great writer (and maybe you are) because if you are using to writing, for example, scientific briefs, you will not be able to reach the average internet user (without of course, your target audience is scientists!). You must be able to adapt to both your audience and your results. But again, you can not get measurable and consistent results after just a few articles and a few days. You must commit to the long-term of it, and simply make it happen.

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