How To Choose The Best New Hardware To Upgrade Your Computer

The computer you bought in the store is quite nice and it will perform simple functions and allow you to access the internet. It is much better than the old days of paper and pen. Just jump on the computer punch in your data and let the computer do the rest. But is there more? Yes, there is! There are many after market additions you can put on your computer to make it so high tech that it could fly the Star Ship Enterprise, okay maybe not but it will definitely work more efficiently.

You can be basic with the extra hardware you get for your computer. There are different chips with massive amounts of storage or chips that can accelerate the speed. The first thing people like to change is the sound cards. Downloading and listening to music on the computer is great, but if you do not have a good system to listen to your favorite songs you might as well be in the car listening to AM radio.

There are also many options for the keyboard and mouse. There are some with the mouse built into the key board. These are okay if you have limited space and do not need to use the mouse a lot. You can now get a wireless key board or mouse. This allows you to sit anywhere and use your equipment without being attached to the PC. You can get a key board with many different configurations and added features. For example, a curved key board that is ergonomic to lessen the strain on your hands from long typing sessions. There are buttons that will immediately log you onto the internet and ones that will bring up the start menu for Windows. There have been advances in voice recognition that may make the key board and mouse obsolese in the future.

Then there are monitors, and there are many shapes and sizes of monitors out there today. You can find one that will fit the space that you have. There are flat monitors that can be hung on a wall to clear up desk space. There are also flat monitors on pedestals that do the same. You can get a monitor that is as big as a television; This could come in handy for downloading movies.

There are a lot of plug in devices you can buy for your PC. Now most computers and attachments use a USB port. Computers often have extra ports in the front and back to allow you to connect many different devices. One of these devices is a digital camera. Digital cameras are great, they allow you to take pictures, put them on the screen, and edit them to your liking. You can also email them directly from your computer to share with family and friends.

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