Drop Shipping For Your Online Store

Running an online store holds many advantages, although most new business owners find it difficult because of start-up costs associated with purchasing inventory. If you're running your online store from home, you probably do not want to clutter up your house with products that may not sell for months. Storage fees can be expensive and depending on what you choose to sell, your merchandise may be hard to unload, leaving your income tied up in unsold goods. There is a way around the hassle of purchasing inventory up front. It is called drop shipping and many wholesalers now offer it for use which is a great advantage for most online businesses.

You are able to take advantage of the wholesale prices without purchasing inventory up front. You only order what your customer orders from you. After the shipping and wholesale costs are paid to the wholesaler, you keep the difference. With drop shipping you can provide your customers with a larger selection of items to choose from without the worry of keeping it stocked yourself. If some items do not sell well, you can remove them from your store without any worry and without loss of income.

Most wholesalers even ship items with your company name and logo so that your customers would never know the difference. Returns are generally easy as well. They even provide tracking for packages which you can pass on to your customers. Your online business can run smoothly while your drop shipping wholesaler handles shipping and tracking.

Payments made to the wholesaler can be handled in various ways depending on their guidelines. You can keep a credit card on account with them in which they charge per item ordered or pay monthly. Orders can be processed in various ways as well. Bulk orders can be sent via email, spreadsheet, or even FTP (file transfer protocol) to a web server. Most drop shipping wholesalers provide multiple ways to handle orders and payments because all businesses have varying amounts of activity. Once you get the hang of how the process works, you will be able to run an organized online store and have more time to work towards making it successful.

For more tips and resources about drop shipping visit Self Employed Blog .

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