Internet Paid Surveys 101

Internet paid surveys are touted as a relatively simple way for the average man on the street to make money online. You do not need any special skills or be an expert in web design. Either you are required to be well-schooled or tech-savvy in order to earn a steady income from internet paid surveys. While this is true, commercial ads you often see online that promises big bucks like $ 250 an hour for participating in paid surveys online are misleading. As a result, many people are now unable to differentiate between real survey companies and fake ones.

Typical online survey companies offering internet paid surveys pay less than $ 100 for a detailed one-hour survey. That's a lot for the average wage earner already. But most range from $ 5 – $ 50 per survey and each normally lasts about 15 – 30 minutes. These market survey companies also offer another form of payment in terms of credits or points. While you do not receive payment straightaway, these points can be incurred to a certain threshold before payment is made for the completed internet paid surveys. Others practice a non-cash payout policy and give gifts or vouchers as a reward.

Internet paid surveys are not plentiful from each survey company. Usually, they would approach you for a few times sometimes 3-5 times a month to do surveys for them. In case you may be wondering how people make a living out of internet paid surveys if there are so few surveys, the reason is simple. A veteran survey taker often is a member of dozens to hundreds of internet survey companies. If each survey company offers 5 surveys a month, 50 companies would mean 250 surveys in a month. If each pays $ 10 – $ 20, it can add up a fair bit.

Some survey companies may enter you into a monthly draw for cash or prizes as a form of reward for participating in their internet paid surveys. Although people do not like this way of rewarding, you would be surprised that the odds of winning is actually high because the competition pool is small and the prizes are plentiful. If you are hoping to win MP3 players, computers or free vacations, be on the look-out.

Survey takers find the market survey companies either through the search engines or by buying ready internet paid surveys databases. Manual searches can be tedious and most of the time futile as much time is wasted testing each company. Ready directories of good companies that provide internet surveys can save you time and the effort to test and trial. These directories containing around 300 – 400 survey companies come in compiled form with details and are available through online sources which you would read about later.

When you sign up with a survey company, normally, there would be some questions you need to answer. These questions are large profiling questions to capture details like your gender, age, interests, products you use, etc. It is a normal affair so please do not be alarmed. Honest survey companies would never reveal your personal details to outsiders. Once signed up, they would start to send your notification emails to invite you to participate in their internet paid surveys. One thing to note is to use a free email account to sign up so that the incoming emails from these survey sites would not be mixed up with your personal emails.

I promised to share with you where you can find reliable and popular sources of internet paid surveys directories. You can find them at my survey blog and at the same time learn some valuable tips on how to make money with paid surveys online.

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