Link Building Techniques For Web 2.0

Keeping Web 2.0 and its link building in mind, following tips / techniques make Web 2.0 more interesting from an online marketing point of view. These links are very important in the search engine optimization and these put forward more link building opportunities for website owners.

1.Make your site and its content worth linking:

A good quality site having good design, useful and relevant content will attract links from good quality sites.

2.Write articles related to industry:

The good articles based on the news of your industry are particularly popular in the readers and these are easy to write. The articles sites like GoArticles, isnare and IdeaMarketers often rank high in the search engine results and they can send targeted traffic to your site. It is also added here that you may like to submit your articles to social book-marking sites like Digg, and Technorati. Whatever your article gets uploaded as number one spot on Digg etc then hundreds of bloggers looking for content, will visit your site and may like to link to your website.

3.PR with press:

Media has a vital role regarding general awareness / propagation etc and public relations will spread the word about your

company news includes it will attract links to your site. Either you may hire a public relations consultant or like to write your own press releases and forward those to hundreds of journalists, bloggers and media outlets through PRweb or PRnewswire etc.

4.Start your own Blog:

You should start your own blog and regularly post useful, practical information, make your execution flawless, make sentences with good grammar and punctuation. You'll be surprised to have a response and to get people to engage in discussion and link back to your site, whatever you sell or provide service. Create your own blog at

5.Build your own Directory:

Directory organized by topic into categories is the most convenient way to find people and business therefore you should build your own directory of sites although it is an old technique regarding attracting links but it still works very efficiently. The directory will provide useful information to your visitors and also builds in coming links to your site.

6.Submit your site to other directories:

You may like to forward insertion of your site in other directories. Before submission, you must satisfy yourself about the quality of the directory in which you are going to submit your link. Click here to see a current list of the best internet directories.

7.Sponsor Charities:

You may consider making a donation to charities along-with providing products or services free to charities that are relevant to your industry. It may provide few quality links, attract free publicity and you can even write / submit press releases about your charitable activities / tendencies.

8.Sponsor Sports:

You may like to sponsor the sports events. It will promote awareness regarding your business activities through their media campaign.

9.Local Network:

You may like to join your local chamber of commerce, trade promotion bodies and the Better Business Bureau . They will list you on their sites and reciprocally you will receive a high-quality links.

10.Social Networking Sites:

Social networking sites such as YouTube, Facebook and MySpace allow people to upload content such as their videos or personal profiles. These are wildly popular with young people; marketers are starting to invest in social networking advertising. These sites facilitate companies to reach a younger, arguably more fickle audience that is beginning to ignore traditional advertising. Unilever, for example, promotes its Ax deodorant on a MySpace page dedicated to what it calls "Gamekillers" -people who interfere with a young man's efforts to find dates. You can set up pages on MySpace or Squidoo but it pays to keep the concept fresh, as Volkswagen learned with its 2005 launch of a MySpace profile for a character in its commercials. Already, Volkswagen marketers told The New York Times, the "Helga" profile is losing appeal as other marketers have invaded MySpace.

11.Paid Advertising:

You may want to think about pay-per-click on Google, Yahoo or MSN to sell your products and build awareness regarding your brand. You may create a few links from relevant content sites but that may not be enough to generate sales. Pay-per-click advertising and / or paid advertising on other websites is an effective way to drive traffic to your website.

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