Is A Set Schedule For Home Schooling Important Or Even Needed

Many parents who are thinking of homeschooling and even those that already educate their children at home often wonder if they should maintain a set schedule for homeschooling their children. While many beginning home school parents sometimes feel that a regular day that mimics a public schools day is the best route it can sometimes have the opposite effect.

At the very beginning of your in home education program you should develop your schedule. Once this schedule has been developed you should stick to it and not alter or re structure it. By having a set routine in the home your child will learn easier and it will also help them set aside a certain time period for studying and academics. But the most important point of a set schedule is that it to the children that the parents are still in control and serious about home school work!

How many hours in the day you actually devote to study time is entirely up to you and should be based around the planned curriculum and learning potential of your child. So if your child is a math whiz but struggles in English you may want to devote more time to English studies and less to math. That is part of the beauty of home schooling, total flexibility and maximum learning potential for the child.

While you may feel that the amount of time you spend homeschooling is not adequate or does not compare to public school you should realize that just being somewhere longer does not mean learning more. One of the biggest problems in the public school system is that time is used inefficiently through the day. Many classes focus on non relevant topics and even topics of little importance. In fact when you look at how much time is spent settling into class, walking between classes the amount of time a child actually works on essential school work is around three hours.

When compared to the wasted time in public schools homeschooling is a great option for many parents who feel their children are not getting a good enough or targeted enough education in the public system.

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