Internet Marketing Success – How To Let Your Customers Create Your Products For You

To become successful in any kind of online business you must become a guerrilla marketer. You need to get your product all over the Internet in front of hundreds of prospects.

Like they say, you do not need to reinvent the wheel, but you should not follow everyone's advice either.

To stand out from the crowd, you need a bit of creativity. Not too much, because you want to have a solid foundation based on proven and proven marketing models. And I heard from Alex Mandossian, one of my business models that creativity can kill your marketing, so be very careful with this.

Saying this, you absolutely need to have your USP. An USP is a unique selling proposition. Something that your prospects will not find anywhere. When you have a strong USP, you are almost "forcing" your prospects to make business with you because they recognize that you have a stronger benefit than anyone else.

This is the fastest way to earn more money from the Internet than you could with a brick and mortar business. You also need to learn the ins and out of Internet marketing and business online to avoid some blunders that can make you fail.

However, you should always act while you are learning! Do not make the mistake of trying to get the marketing perfect. Just get it right and improve from there. I learned from John Reese, a top marketers, that you need to "release crap". Wait! When I say releasing crap, I mean that you need to release products even if you think they are not perfect yet.

What do you think Microsoft is doing with Vista?

Do you want to create a product? Just create a one page website, start driving traffic and capture your visitor's names and emails addressees to get them into your autoresponder series.

Get yourself an autoresponder like or and add a welcome message for new subscribers. In this message, ask them what they want. This is the best way to create a product from scratch.

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