The Science of Getting Rich – Lesson 1

Civilized society has a strange attitude towards talking about money, making money, growing wealthy. Here, most of us have an 'acquired' personal stance on how we think and talk about becoming rich. Most of us feel that even speaking about money is vulgar and some, genetically stuffy part of us, considers it in bad taste! To study it – well, most of us consider it 'bad form'. Our distaste is partly predicated on society's reflection and dates from pre-Victorian times. While those in the States are raised on the idea of ​​the 'self-made man' (and woman), somehow we too have become decidedly prudish about the subject of building wealth. Teacher, speaker, and entrepreneur, Bob Proctor addresses this attitude in his "Science of Getting Rich" Lesson Series. He takes the subject out of the back closet, shakes out the dust, and gives us a good look at what we have been willingly to look at 'out loud'. He follows in the footsteps of such remarkable teachers such as Earl Nightingale and Napoleon Hill, carving a new path that is both a pleasure and a must in your journey to success.

In his first Lesson, Proctor is directly in immediately tying the Law of Attraction (The Secret) together with the idea of ​​attracting wealth. He clearly states, "Money on its own is either good nor bad. It is a means to an end." He points out that people who are wealthy understand '… and use the Law of Attraction in their daily lives. The millionaires understand that abundance is there for the taking – there is enough for everyone. We can all be rich. "What a magnificent concept! It's not a dog eat dog world, or a race with all the cheese going to the biggest rat. out and take it. Then why do not we? Proctor insist it is only because we have not learned the "correct thought process to attract wealth." He points out what I started this blog with – we are uncomfortable with the idea of not only can we be rich, but that we deserve to be rich! Wealthy people know that it requires great wealth to reach out beyond one's own immediate circumstances to have and make an impact on the world. starting a private charity, or even supporting the efforts of others?

Then you must confront this attitude and as Proctor says, "Make the decision to extend beyond your physical boundaries – to increase your service to a greater audience in need of their product or service." "Invariably riches will come your way." Think about it! In this business opportunity lies the means for you to think beyond your dreams, as well as act upon your dreams. You must no longer stop at – "That's a nice dream, but I do not have the money to do it."; You can turn the dream into a living, breathing reality if you think about what you really want to and can do with wealth. It is not a matter of what wealth would do just for you, or just for your immediate family; it is a question of what you would be able to do for others with your wealth. Nature and the Universe abhor a vacuum; from the beginning of this business, you must actively begin to think of how to fill a void, a need, in the world today. Act and think with confidence and you will naturally attract the teachers, the ability, the means to fill that void and create extra wealth.

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