Article Marketing – Redneck "Special" Marketing Tactics

Living in Cow Town USA has advantages. The local Sheriff Jim with his longhorn hood ornament and the Mayor's two tone cow truck blaze their own trail about the local community. But the very best part of living in Cow Town, otherwise found at the Cross Roads of America in the Heartland just a tad too far from the Rocky Mountains, and a mite too close to the Great Plains is found in the Rednecks that Boogie around the bar on Saturday night long enough to send Oprah and her cohorts running for cover.

Redneck Community Welcome —

Used shotgun shells outside the hotel room, on the floor of the hallway, and near the door of your vehicle are not meant to scare you away. As any redneck knows, guns are mean fer killin 'critters, not scarin' tourists out of town.

Redneck Coyote Sing-a-long —

The hootin 'and hollerin' is not a brawl goin 'down. It's Sheriff Jim sharin 'in the Festivities, showin' cowboys through town and inviting them to join in the Redneck version of radio marketing. Just join in on the singin 'and get yer belly full' o grub, then come on down to the Opal's Saloon and have yerself a singin 'good time with the redneck coyote howl.

Redneck Perfume Attraction —

The delightful aroma you smell as you plow into town is not from the Redneck Bubble Bath, though there's one a-waitin 'on ya, when ya step on into the Cow Palace Inn. It's the sweet scent of money comin 'in on an ole northern wind from the cow yards just outside-a town. Hang around, if you do not like that scent, there's a pig farm south of town, it'll stink you up mighty sweet when the wind comes from the south. There's nothing like the smell of money to bring in the buying power of marketing and sales in Cow Town.

Redneck Holiday for Marketers —

Rednecks go huntin 'frequently. Like, every time the huntin 'season opens up, there's a redneck out there. It's a holiday to go huntin 'with a redneck. No kiddin '! The hottest holiday in the country is a huntin 'trip with a bunch of Rednecks. They load up freezers, generators, coolers, campers that are larger than the trailers that are LIVE in, on the back of a Honkin 'F-350 Truck with four wheel drive, and head to the mountains. Live bands, party hours and dancin '' til the cows come home rival Christmas on the Prairie. If you're a marketer, looking for a good time, just talk to a bunch of Rednecks and get invited to a Huntin 'Holiday.

Redneck Marketers Ho Down —

A barn dance at the Stage Coach Inn? Everyone in town will be there. If you want to sell anything at all, the place to go is the Stage Coach Inn. Do not just go for the dance, take a pie and join the fun. You may catch a husband (or a wife), or you could find a new business partner if you've got a mind to look that direction. If you're likin 'the pie you bought, you might find a yerself a pie maker, or better yet, just marry her at a shotgun weddin' and you'll have plenty o 'pie.

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