A Winning Method of Article Marketing

There are some minor differences in the way people use article marketing. Here I am going to give you my method that has produced incredible results for me.

First you must, of course, write an article. These should be at least 300 words (that is the minimum that will be accepted by these article sites). It is also important to make sure that they are talking about your general subject. They do not need to be super-focused on exactly your site topic, but they should be written about your main theme.

Once you have a 300-word article completely written, we are going to add 2 links in the footer. This part may be scary if you have never done it before, so follow closely. When you are posting your article, you have the option of adding an "author resource box" this is where you add your links, you can not add them anywhere else. Now we are going to create your links. But I will show you exactly how to do this right now. The code for a link looks like this:

–a href = "YOURURL> Your Keyword – / a> (replacing the – with an <)

Use that format exactly, but replace YOURURL with your own.com and Your Keyword with the keyword that we found in the last lesson on SEO (the same thing as your homepage title). That will show up as a link when it is posted with the article.

I said that we were going to include two links. The first one should always be your homepage, that is most important. But you will want to rotate the second link between all of the other article pages on your site, which should be about 15-20. You can use that same format as posted above. Just replace yoursite with yoursite / page-2 or whatever it is when you view that page. And then replace Your Keyword with that page's title.

Got that?

The next step is to register for accounts at the article directories. I recommend that you stick with just 3-5 main directories (Search Google for the top results).

Now, with your article and the links ready to go, we are able to submit them to these directories. Login to your accounts on the three sites above and copy / paste your article and the author resource box where appropriate (on some sites you will paste them all into the "body" area, others have specific areas for the article content and resource box – follow their instructions). Be sure to check the preview link to make sure everything was formatted correctly and that your links actually go to your site when clicked. That is important.

Submit the article, and you should have an email from the directory in a few days notifying you that your article is being displayed on their site.

NOTE: You can submit each article to all of these sites, that is totally acceptable. I recommend that you do, in fact, submit all of your articles to all of these sites. But you do not have to. You can just choose one per article. The most influential of the bunch is EzineArticles, so if you submit it to only one site, make sure it is EzineArticles.


I suggest that when your site is brand new, you submit 10-20 articles all at once to give your site a strong boost. Then, you must continue this process to maintain and improve your rankings. As a general rule, between 1-2 articles every week should be fine. This means that once we are done with this course, you will need to commit about 1 hour to write and submit an article to the directories – and a little more time to cash your checks :).

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