Business Marketing – Basic Writing For Online Marketing

Here are a few tips that will help you when writing online to your customers. These are very basic, however many of us are paying so much attention to what we are selling and how to get the customer response we are looking for that we often forget about the basics.

If the subject line of the emails we are answering to online is entirely different from the original subject line, you should change the subject line to address that topic. Like for instance if the original subject line reads "RE: Free EBook" and you want to tell them how they can stay updated on your offers, then the subject line should read "Get updates".

Using signature blocks at the end of the communication should always look professional and brief. It should not read like an ad instead it should have your name, title, contact information and website address. This is where a few people will argue with me, but my personal opinion is that you should only use one (1) website address. I have seen so many emails come through that have three or four websites listed, that looks like you are shoving your websites down their throats.

We all need to use the scroll bar when reading online text so make it easier for your readers by keeping it brief. Consider limiting your lines to 65 characters per line. This will help you avoid the one to two word lines that often occurred when one system downloads to another.

Typing words in all capital letters can seem like you are SHOUTING and can work effectively when used judiciously. Likewise using all lowercase letters can be annoying.

Most of what we write, emails, eBooks, articles etc. should be in fonts that are easy on the readers eyes such as Arial or Helvetica in 11 or 12 point size. I will admit Impact or Chicago amongst many others are interested to look at and will grab their attention, however they are hard on the eyes for many to read.

These are just a few things that I want you to remember when writing your next email, or article. They are pretty basic but they are often overlooked.

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