How to Hypnotize Through Letters, Email and the Internet With Covert Hypnosis Part 1

“Can you hypnotize a person by email, a letter, or over the internet?”

I get this question a lot. In fact, it’s easily one of the most frequently asked questions my readers want to know. So I have two choices I can give you the short answer, or the long one. Which would you prefer?

Ah the long One, I thought so. Well, let me start off the long answer by giving you the short one first. The answer is a definite maybe. Actually the answer is really a yes but you have to understand that when it comes to hypnosis there are not a lot of very straight forward answers.

A better question might be can you hypnotize people to do what YOU want through a letter, email or the internet – That’s where things start to get a bit dicey.

I started off my answer with a definite maybe because I have some really strong skills that many people do not. (I am a specialist in covert and conversational hypnosis) so in my case yes I can hypnotize people over the internet, can you?

Believe it or not, the answer to that question is also a yes. Even if you don’t have the level of skill and understanding I do, you can (and do) still hypnotize people any time anywhere.

In fact, you are already doing it all the time anyway. You probably just don’t know it yet and that is where your problem lies.

You see ALL forms of communication are inherently hypnotic. Why? Because all forms of communication rely on the use of engaging a persons attention and the unconscious mind MUST translate that information from the outside world into a structure that has a relevant internal meaning to the person receiving your suggestions – regardless of the method used to deliver them. It’s a universal process.

Now, That is basically a long winded way of saying all forms of communication are processed by the unconscious mind first. Therefore they have an inherently hypnotic power to influence.

However, for most people that hypnotic influence is extremely random and by default. Most people do not know enough about the hypnotic structure of how we communicate to actually make it work for them. They just sort of talk or write with little regard for any of the hypnotic variables or “hypnotic operators” that can influence the outcome of our intended message.

So, in the long run your ability to influence and or implant suggestions is often very random and often paradoxical. In my classes I often make the joke. “People Don’t Always Do What You Want, But They Almost Always Do What You Tell Them.”

So what does that mean exactly? Well in NLP, We have a saying and that saying is that “the meaning of any communication is equivalent to the result that if produces.”

For example, if I tell you to bring me the blue cup by the dishwasher and you bring me the red plate on table. Somehow the meaning I intended to send via my method of communicating to you was translated as “Bring me the red plate on the table” whose fault is that. Technically, from a hypnotic perspective… mine. The question is… Why?

This is where the “definite maybe” comes in. Now before I go any further into this explanation let me say that I have personally generated a very broad range of hypnotic phenomenon through the internet – including giving women hypnotic orgasms via instant messenger and causing them to call me up begging to come over. In fact, I’ve even had married women drive three hours one way just to spend a couple very intimate hours with me simply because of what I can do for them and with them via email and instant messenger. It’s pretty cool once you get the hang of it.

So never let anyone tell you this stuff can’t be done, because all they are really saying beneath all that denial is that they themselves do not know how to do it. Let’s get back to my explanation. Let’s talk about that “red plate” for a minute.

As a hypnotic influencer the burden of communication always falls on you. This means that if you are suggesting one thing and people are doing another…

Then YOU must be the one to change what you are doing. Not the person you are seeking to hypnotize. It’s not in their job. YOU are the hypnotist. You are the one sending the communication, thus by default YOU are the one who is supposedly the learned and skilled master of communication therefore the burden of change falls on you.

You must consistently monitor the effects you are having on your subject and change the what, or the way, or both of how you are communicating, in order to cause the person you are hypnotizing to interpret what you are saying in the desired way and comply with your suggestions.

This is why I say – “People Don’t Always Do What You Want” Because the meaning behind what we say or otherwise communicate is “entirely subjective” and based on the internal references (ideas, beliefs, labels, life experiences etc) of the other person and people always behave and act based on their internal references. Does that make sense?

This is why in hypnosis and NLP we seek to match the person’s internal “map” of the way they see and represent the world as closely as possible. Doing so minimizes subjective misinterpretation of our suggestions and commands. The less translation your subject has to do the more likely they are to do what you say AND What You Want. Get It?

Stop for a moment, and begin to think about how much energy and awareness you have to invest just to do this on a face to face level. Now think about trying to do that without being able to see or hear that other person’s verbal and non verbal responses. See the problem?

Many times people try to suggest something that is simply misinterpreted by the other person and when that happens, people don’t do what we want; they do what they “perceive” we have told them. Their response is the result of their interpretation of what we said and what they “think” we meant. Obviously the two are not always the same or life would be much easier. Are you with me? Good.

Now the good news is that when it comes to hypnotizing someone via email you do actually have some advantages. Especially if you understand how to use hypnotic language patterns, specifically the category we like to call “pre-suppositions.”

A presupposition is the linguistic form of an assumption. It is something the subject’s unconscious mind must assume to be true just to be able to make sense of what you have been saying to them. they also have a lot of other advantages with regard to blasting hypnotic suggestions directly into the mind of your subject.

The other advantages that you have in emails and letters are that the person reading your emails or letters will usually see and hear a mental movie in their mind of what you are communicating. If the person does not know you very well they will tend to hear the voice in their heads while they read as their own voice. if tey do know you they will tend to hallucinate your voice and the way the “think” you are expressing what you have written. This is why you should never ever read email or letters when you are in a bad mood. It changes the tonaity of the voice inside your head and that causes you to have vastly different interpretations to any correspondence you encounter.

Now in case you were wondering what voice I am talking about. Its that little voice inside your head that just asked “What Voice” it is also the voice that is diligently repeating every word I write here inside your mind while you are reading this article.

Pretty Cool Huh?

Now the good news is that the most trustworthy person anyone knows is themselves. Peoples favorite topic is themselves. Knowing this gives you tremendous power to influence. People do not often resist what they hear inside their own minds, especially when they read it and hear it from themselves.

Here are some basic steps to hypnotizing someone via email. We will talk more about each of these in depth in future articles but this should give some steps to work with in the interim.

a. Know What You Want

b. Get Their Attention

c. Use Hypnotic Language Patterns

d. Create The Right Emotional States (pattern weaving)

e. Use The Incremental Compliance Technique

We will cover each of these a bit more in depth in subsequent articles.

Stay tuned for our next installment.

Trance On!

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