How to Write a Credit Repair Letter
A credit repair letter is simple to write, and yet in this simplicity is quite a bit of leakage. If you have proof of an error that you find in your credit report, the ball is in your court. All you must do now is craft a letter that will let the credit bureau know that there is a mistake in your files, and that you would like it corrected.
Do not make your letter look or sound too "professional". You want the credit bureau to realize that an individual wrote this letter, and that it was not a computer generated letter such as one that might be provided by a credit repair agency. You just want to give them the correct impression that you are a consumer who is quite peeved to find errors in a set of documents which, by law, are provided to be error free. Its fine not to sound too "prim and proper", if that's your style.
Make sure to include all of your identifying information in the letter, such as:
- Full name and address
- Telephone number (s)
- Social Security number
- Account number and name of the credit card / loan that has erroneous information listed.
- A copy (not the original!) Of any paperwork you have that will substantiate your claim.
Where Do I Send These Letters?
You should send a copy of your letter to all three credit bureaus. For example, let's say that the error was on a credit report sent to you by TransUnion. You should also get in touch with Experian and Equifax. Often, these three bureaus do not share information with each other, but cover your bases just in case the error has made its way into the files of all three.
Use Registered or Certified mail to send your letters. This way you have proof of the date of mailing, important if you do not hear back from anyone in the 45 day time frame.
The way you word your letter is totally up to you, but basically, you need to impress upon the credit bureaus that a mistake has been made, and you have the proof. Once the letters have been received, the credit bureaus will set to work with lightening speed, as it's the law that all claims of error must be looked into. The credit card or loan company that you supposedly skipped a payment to, did not pay off in full, or whatever the error was, will be contacted and asked to prove the claim against you. Since you have your proof in hand, this is impossible.
Credit bureaus have up to 45 days to get in touch with you and let you know whether or not the errors have been removed from your file. Most will get right on it, and you will soon receive a letter in the mail letting you know that all is well again.