Benefits of Direct Marketing: The Personal Touch!

Direct marketing connects you directly with your customers. When customers receive a piece of mail addressed to them, take a phone call, get an email from you or see you or your sales representative in person, they connect with you and your business on a personal level.

Let's look at three aspects of the benefits of direct marketing.

Building Relationships

When you market directly, you build relationships. No matter what day or age, or how much technology we have, the core of all successful business strategies is building on a rock-solid foundation of interpersonal connection. Customers like to deal with a familiar face, a trusted brand, a known quantity. Contacting customers repeatedly reminds customers of your quality and lets them know you care.

Keeping Track of the Metrics

Direct marketing allows you to track your numbers easily. When you use different types of direct marketing, you can efficiently compile statistics and measure several different parameters, including response percentage rates, geography, demographics, psychographics, and timing. With this kind of specific information, you can reap the benefits of direct marketing more fully in the future by having a scientific, mathematically based way of selecting targets and gauging your timing more specifically.

Minimizing Competition

By marketing directly, you avoid immediate competitor response or counter-offers. Competitors may, of course, get wind of your materials, but they can not respond as quickly or effectively as they can to online campaigns, for example. Thus, your deals are likely to be the best ones around. When your customers are accredited to hearing from you directly, they are less likely to shop around and more likely to keep coming back.

These are three major benefits of marketing directly, but there are many more. To find out for yourself how beneficial it can be, set up your marketing campaign today!

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