Information Technology in Indian Railways

We can observe if we analyze the semi-automated Indian Railways system, that it is still lacking the independence from manual work by human being.

The Indian Railway is the largest government organization having more than half million employees working into it with on an average only 6 pure working hours. Now these details indicate waste of resources by not utilizing all of them in a best way they could have been used.

Indian Railways still use FoxPro and some other ancestors' time soft wares which can be replaced with current bunch of efficient soft wares with some strategic planning towards it.

Indian Railways is having great management for even a single component of their system with maintaining this much amount of employees. Now if they are having certain great level of management then making whole system fully automated is no more challenging task for India. Although India is a one of the leading nation contributing in Information Technology, a system like Railways is very much easy to implement.

With proper technical support in India the traditional old system can easily be converted to current updated one. For instance, if we want to change from FoxPro to Oracle then we may think for proper gateways to be put and convert all data to Oracle database format.

Although thinking seems to be much easier than implementation because if we will implement a new system then we need to train all those employees who have been working on old system. This training may be seen as overhead or long time benefit to the system by the government of India is another issue.

With this article I hereby want to inspire young guns from India to make there country from developing to developed country.

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