The 80-20 Rule of Marketing

Ever hear of the Pareto's Rule? Well, Pareto was an Italian economist who in 1906 created a mathematical formula to describe the unequal distribution of wealth in his country, observing that twenty percent of the people owned eighty percent of the wealth.

It has since been applied to everything from defects in manufactured goods to customers. And it seems to be pretty accurate.

In marketing the 80/20 rule means that twenty percent of your activities will result in eighty percent of your profits.

Knowing that fact should have a unique effect on how you manage your time when it comes to building your online business. If you believe as I and many others do that list building is one of the most important steps in building a successful online business, then that is what you should spend most of time focusing on.

It sees with so much information out there on the Internet that it is very easy to become distracted. How many Internet marketing newsletters do you currently receive via email?

I just did a quick count and came up with 27! Twenty seven different marketing related newsletters. I admit to being an information junkie and I guess admitting a problem is always the first step, but I do not want to miss out on anything going on in the IM field.

The danger lies in the fact that there are many different strategies for operating an Internet business and many of these newsletters deal with different facets of the business. However, if I am not careful, I tend to get distracted by some great idea and lose my focus. When that happens, my results always suffer.

So, my suggestion to you is to choose a marketing strategy and stick to it until you see results. It does not mean that you can never try different techniques, it just means that you need to develop a plan and then stick to it.

If you do not know where you are going, you will never get there.

Developing a business plan and creating a daily marketing task list is just one of the topics that I cover in detail in my Internet Marketing Master Course. IMMC lays out a step by step blueprint for developing your Internet business. When you finish the 12 week course you will have a fully functioning, cash generating business and the ability to create as many cash cows as you want.

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