Building Influence Through Your Network Marketing Convention
Network marketing conventions can be a lot of fun seeing your team and getting inspiration and training but you can also build influence through your conventions. In this article, I am going to talk to you more about building influence through your network marketing convention.
Make Sure You Get On the Stage
Between conventions is when you need to put in the work. Make sure you get on stage for something during the convention because it will allow you to build influence with your team both upline and downline. It doesn’t matter if it is a retail award or if it is a recruiting award. You want to make sure that you get recognized.
The easiest way to get on stage during the convention is to remain consistent every day and constantly building toward your goal. Just doing little spurts of work here and there is not going to help you get the results that you want. When you are consistent and keep working toward your results, you will be able to get recognized for it on stage and that will allow you to build your influence so you can help your team move forward.
Building Your Network Marketing Business
If you aren’t going to the convention when you are building your business, your team is not going to go either. You need to make sure you get to the convention and that you get on stage no matter what you have to do. Even if your team does not go, there are going to see photos of your on stage and they will want to go to the next event.