A Short Review of 5 Popular Network Marketing Books
Many network marketing books are available today. Below is a list of five popular choices.
# 1 How To Start Your MLM Network Marketing Company by Rod Cook
One of the more practical network marketing books out there, Rod Cook's How To Start Your MLM Network Marketing Company serves as a survival guide for anyone wishing to start up a new network marketing company from scratch. In the book he shares everything you need to know about building a successful new company such as legal information, finances, structural and managerial measures, how to recruit and sell, how to build compensation plans, motivation and more.
# 2 Your First Year in Network Marketing: Overcome Your Fears, Experience Success, and Achieve Your Dreams by Mark Yarnell, Rene Reid Yarnell
Married couple and network marketing achievers, Mark and Rene Reid Yarnell contribute to the growing number of network marketing books with their inspirational book Your First Year in Network Marketing. As industry leaders and faculty members at the University of Illinois who teach college certified courses on network marketing, the pair offer their advice and inspiring stories to those seeking success. The book explores issues such as combating rejection, how to supervise records, time management, ways to avoid depression and how to handle new prospects.
# 3 The Wave 3 Way to Building Your Downline by Richard Poe
The follow up to Richard Poe's bestselling book Wave Three, a revolutionary new outlook on network marketing strategies is his The Wave 3 Way to Building Your Downline. In the latest part of his series of network marketing books, Poe bought after the largest names in the industry to find out exactly how they managed to create successful downlines. The strategies which came from these extensive interviews are named the Wave Three Way and are tested and true tactics for success. Poe shares with readers the secrets of becoming successful with MLM, practical ways to recruit a downline and sell items, how to automatically manage your downline, real ways to passively receive results and the personal stories of top network marketers.
# 4 Street-Smart Network Marketing: A No-Nonsense Guide for Creating the Most Richly Rewarding Lifestyle You Can Possibly Imagine by Robert Butwin
Robert Butwin, a successful network marketer and contributing editor for Upline – The Journal for Network Marketing created Street-Smart Network Marketing as a way to help others learn how to live the life they have always dreamed of without having to learn everything the hard way. After years of learning the routes of network marketing, Robert has had his fair share of triumphs as well as mistakes. In this book he uses a no-nonsense approach while teaching what courses of action to take as well as sharing the power of a positive attitude. His experience has made Street-Smart one of the most popular network marketing books available.
# 5 Confessions of a Multi-level Marketer (Networking from Your Heart) by Patrick Michael Snetsinger
Patrick Michael Snetsinger set out to prove that he could become successful with MLM and decided to capture those moments in his book Confessions of a Multi-level Marketer, another popular choice among network marketing books. The book serves as Snetsinger's private journal chronicling his journey through his first year and a half in the network marketing business. He shares his struggles with getting his business off the ground as well as his personal battles he had to overcome to achieve success.