Seven Fatal Marketing Mistakes to Avoid Forever

These seven plus secret questions must be answered before you create your next marketing campaign.

  • What is my marketing plan.
  • What do I want my marketing to do?
  • What goals will my marketing help me reach? Is my marketing persistent?
  • One shot marketing rarely works. Plan weekly marketing tasks, and put them into action.
  • What do I what my future client to do?
  • Exactly how do I want folks to respond?
  • What is the stopping power of my headline?
  • Does it emphasize a benefit?
  • Is it compelling enough to grab even the most hurried person?
  • Is my logo my headline?
  • What am I offering?
  • Business is always a quid pro quo. This for that.
  • What does your marketing offer that will cause your future client to stop what they are doing and respond immediately?
  • What is my call to action? If you don’t ask for a response, you will not get one.
  • What split tests have I tried? One headline against the other. One offer against the other. One call to action against the other. One will always out pull the other in response. Usually by a lot.
  • What is the focus of my marketing. Is it on me, my company, my products or my services. If so, your dead because your future client only cares about him/herself. They only want to know what you can do for them. They don’t give a damn about you.

Now, Here Are A Few More Tips, Tricks, Techniques, Tidbit And Marketing Secrets That Promise To Save You Time And Make You More Money

These ideas are not in any order.

Each is valuable on it own or combined together. I highly recommend that you combine these ideas in different ways.

Why? Because when combined you multiply their strength.

1. Provide high level proof that what you are promising will be delivered. Credible third-party testimony that you deliver on your promises. Free trails, free samples are other forms of proof.

2. Ask your future clients for a “Yes” or “No” answer. Either is OK. There is nothing worse then a TIO (Think it over), because I guarantee, “You are the only one thinking it over.” Your prospect has moved on.

3. Actions, not just words determine success.

4. Admit your shortcomings. Everyone knows that nothing is or can be perfect. You products and services have flaws. You know what they are. If you don’t, ask you customers what they are. Being 100% honest about your defects builds credibility and can also separate you from the competition (I promise your competitors would be to embarrassed to admit they are not perfect).

5. Keep learning

6. Start each day with the 5 most important marketing things that will help you reach your goals. An do them, no matter what.

7. Money comes to those who move fast.

OK, I admit it. There are way more then Seven Marketing Mistakes to avoid. I was on a roll and wanted to over deliver to you. Now, which of these secrets ideas jumped off the page? Which did you write notes “To Do? Add them to your “Do Next” list. And do them. Now, promise yourself that you will use these marketing secrets.

Scout’s Honor!

Because, you know that if you keep marketing the way you always marketed, you’ll keep getting the results you’ve always gotten.

To Your Success

Sandy Barris,

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