The Internet Marketing Revolution – The Curve is Headed Straight Up

When a sample of 500 teenagers were asked in December 2001 what was the most important invention of the last millennium, the major said – the Computer. Will we ever log off in the 21st century? Probably not.

Have you heard of the toilet which automatically opens the lid as you are about to do your business and the lid closes when you're done and the toilet flushes – all on auto. Oh but wait, there's more. The seat guards itself via remote control and it comes with an automatic air purifier too.

That's just the start – get ready for a life led completely through the computer. Virtual adventures will abound; there 'll even be cyber vacations, devoid of real sand, real saltwater and – here's the good one – real sunburn. The virtual shopping experience is becoming uncannily similar to the experience of physically moving through a grocery store.

Internet Marketing Trends & Projections. With a projected worldwide Internet population of 1.8 billion in 2010, the rising trend in e-commerce is unstoppable. $ 39 Billion in 1998, $ 114 Billion in 1999, by 2001 ecommerce revenue rose to $ 600 Billion. And guess who's shopping. Teenagers, Generation-Xs, Baby Boomers and even seniors – the fastest growing segment online.

Ask yourself 3 questions. Did the Internet Marketing gold rush end with the passing of the era? Are there fortunes still to be made on the Internet? Are you making a fortune on the Internet?

Why not? Because fortunes are being made 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. All you need is access to a computer. The Internet will continue to create new opportunities and destroy old ways and methods of doing business. You must stick your claim or watch it all happen.

You've got 4 chances of making money on the Internet right now.

  1. Become an Investor. The problem – you must pick the right stock and have the money you are willing to risk.
  2. Become a Developer. The problem – you need technical training. Are you ready to quit your job & go back to school?
  3. Become a Seller. The problem – you need a marketable product or service & lawyers & patent & an infrastructure and a website – a good one because 4 out 5 users never re-visit the "average" website or
  4. You can start right now with what you have right from where you are.

The Internet Marketing Revolution Will Only Happen Once. And everyone reading this will have the same opportunity. Bottom line, get involved or get run over. But how can you get involved? What could you possibly bring to the table? The answer is – your mouth.

Internet Buzz Marketing. You see, the Internet has a problem. In early Nov, 2006 it was reported that the number of websites has past the 100-million mark. You will never see them all. No one ever will.

Major players spend billions of dollars to get eyesballs to look at their website. Result? Some are still losing money. Hollywood has the same problem. Over 400 movies are being produced in Hollywood a year. Did you see everyone or did you see the ones that you friends recommended?

Hollywood can spend millions every year promoting movies. But a bad review from your co-worker means you're not going. Good or bad, word of mouth advertising – works!

People were questioned about how they found websites. Word of mouth was cited by 100% of respondents. The average consumer tells 12 people about a great website. It's called a BUZZ. Advertising can not buy it. Hollywood can not create it. But you can get paid for making it. Paid for your opinion. Paid for creating a buzz.

So, how do you cash in? That PC on your desktop is 100 times more powerful than the computer that sent man to the moon. Is not it time you put it to work?

In a recent report, "3 out of 4 holiday shoppers said they plan to shop for holiday gifts online, and 75% said they are likely to purchase gifts online from small businesses. more of their holiday shopping online, and nearly two thirds said online specialty, "niche," or boutique retailers are one of the "best places" to shop for unusual or hard-to-find gifts. " (Jennifer LeClaire, E-Commerce Times – Nov 21, 2006)

Is Internet Marketing For You? Call it Networking, Affiliate Marketing. Direct Selling, Referral Marketing. Call it whatever you want. It's becoming a Trillion dollar business.

A business that you can do part time or full time. And it can be started at home with no large capital outlay. Low overhead. No employees. And no special business expertise or technical skills. A business that allows you to work your hours for your goals.

A business that offers time free. Financial freedom. And a franchise-like step by step business plan. And according to most experts a home based business offers incredible tax advantages. What are you waiting for? You think e-commerce is going away?

Statistics show that more and more adults ages 25 – 44 are looking to own their own business. The only question is are you ready? Are you tired of being passed up for promotions? Tired of commuting? Tired of the rat race? Are you ready to work your own hours?

Look at the facts. Even with all that's happened, this is just the beginning. What are you gonna say 10 – 20 – 30 years from now, when your grandkids ask if you were involved in the Internet Marketing Revolution?

The greatest boom is still ahead. A wealth of business opportunity continues to go to waste. There is a limited window of opportunity. Timing is critical. In the Internet economy it's called, first mover advantage. It's your move.

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