How to Find the Best Fish Oil For Maximum Health Benefits

Not all fish oils are created equal. In this article we'll have a quick look at what factors separate the best fish oil from the rest.

First of all, you want your fish source to come from the deep cold oceans of the world. Some of the best fish for this purpose are Tuna and Hoki.

Fish from pristine oceans far from crowded shipping lanes, human waste and crowded industries and their pollution provide the safest fish oil. For example, Hoki is found in the southern oceans of New Zealand, largely untouched by the ravages of civilization.

Despite the cleanliness of the source, it is still non-negotiable that the oil should be molecularly distilled for maximum safety. This process will remove environmental and chemical toxins and heavy metals, leaving you with a pure, concentrated oil.

Of course, what you're really after is not the oil itself, but the omega 3 fatty acids it contains. The two most important ones are DHA and EPA. While there's no consensus as to the most important of the two, I personally lean over to DHA. This plays a major role in brain development and maintenance, which is not surprising when you consider that DHA is the most abundant faty acid in the brain.

In addition to that, the body can convert DHA to EPA should it be required. Converting EPA to DHA is a more complex and less efficient process, so ideally the best fish oil should contain more DHA than EPA.

Finally, when trying to figure out the best bang for your buck purchase, always check the amount of DHA and EPA each capsule contains. Do not use the amount of oil in the capsule as a yardstick. One product with 1000mg of oil can contain only 200mg of DHA + EPA, while another 1000mg brand might be more concentrated and contain 400mg. Both may cost the same, but if you purchase the first one you'll be getting 50% less omega 3s for your money. Remember also to take into account the amount of capsules per unit.

You can easily pay more for something that sounds the same, but contains a lot less of the omega 3 fatty acids that you're buying these supplements for in the first place.

I hope these simple guidelines will help you find the best fish oil for your health.

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