Email Marketing Basics – How to Target Our Offers to Obtain the Most Profitable Results
When list building for your Internet marketing business, start with an e-mail marketing plan to ensure that you have a full campaign laid out in advance. Your marketing plan will include keywords and phrases that relate to your specific target audience. These keywords should be thoroughly searched to bypass heavy competition while attracting prospects who're most likely to purchase products or services.
Identify sub-lists within your email lists to drill down on the needs of your subscribers. This is a very effective technique to identify sub groups within your main lists. For example if you are selling self-improvement products, you may want to identify within the main market, people who are interested in weight loss, memory improvement, speed learning or other topics within the self-improvement market.
Asking the right questions will help you grow your profits. By soliciting responses from your e-mail lists, you can develop new sub groups with greater accuracy. Send out surveys as part of your auto-responder schedule. Ask for help from your e-mail list when you're ready to explore new sub-niches.
Do not forget the up-sell on free or paid offers; This is an effective way of increasing your income from your existing list. Many Internet marketing experts offer information free in exchange for names and e-mail addresses. They will then piggyback a one-time offer with their e-mail response once a subscriber has verified their sign up. The same is true when a customer has paid for their first product.
When you immediately send out the special offers upon signing up a new subscriber you might find that a few of your new sign-ups immediately unsubscribe to your auto-responder list. People who are new to Internet marketing often panic when they see this happening. Do not be too concerned at this point if you lose a few; it's natural; your e-mail marketing campaign is also acting as a qualifier for your prospects.
As long as you're not bugging your subscribers, the majority of them will stay loyal to you for as long as you run your business. Intersperse your sales messages with really good information that your subscribers really want; this will keep them interested and loyal as you develop an online relationship.
Know your target when sending out your information to get the best bang for your buck, this is why it is so important to research your keyword phrases and take the time to get to know your markets. If you specialize in dating and relationship information, you can begin to segment your list into newly divorced people looking for love and young singles who have never been married. You can subdivide these lists by sending out specific offers targeting new keywords. Those people who respond to your new offers will place themselves in the appropriate sub-groups.
Never give your e-mail marketing lists to anyone. Whether you put a disclaimer on your sign-up forms regarding privacy or not, never sell your list to anyone. Your e-mail lists are a tangible asset in your business portfolio.