5 Ways To Secure Contracts For Your Office Cleaning Company

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If you plan to open an office cleaning company, you will soon find out that it can be a profitable home-based business. Many businesses prefer to hire the services of a cleaning company than paying a janitor full wage and benefits. It is actually more economical for offices to get independent cleaners.

For your cleaning business to become lucrative, you must find as many clients as you can take on. Finding customers is tricky if you have a lot of competition in your town. You can secure more customers with the right steps and good PR.

1. Have some brochures, business cards and fliers printed. Distribute them around the business district. Don’t just send them out once, you should also mail your brochures to business establishments every month or so until you get enough clients on your list. You can create your own fliers, business cards and brochures on your own home PC and print them yourself to save money. If you find it difficult to use the computer, you can always hire a professional printing service.

2. Build a website for your office cleaning company. Many people search for what they need online and having your own website will be an advantage. Future customers can find you on the net if you had a site. Include contact info on your site like your phone number and email. Place a number of packages that clients can choose from and put a teaser with a low price to entice people to call you to get prices for other services you offer.

3. If your cleaning business is based in the US, it will be OK to make cold calls, although that is not common practice in the UK. I would suggest you target new buildings and businesses in your community first because they will probably not have any cleaners yet. Get a list of new businesses in your area from the city hall. Other companies that have been established earlier may already have other cleaning companies servicing them already. It will be tougher to try to get them from the competition.

4. Visit business establishments in your town. When you make the rounds, bring enough fliers, calling cards and brochures. It would also be a good idea to have written proposals that you can give office managers that state different cleaning services you offer with prices. Don’t give out your lowest price immediately so leverage to negotiate later.

5. Offer discounts of up to twenty percent for a 1-year contract, or a free cleaning service twice a year to entice them. Mail discount coupons to all the businesses in your area. Get to know the office managers and be friendly with business owners. It will be easier to find clients for your office cleaning company if you become friends with them. Once you do get them to be your regular customer, be sure to take care of them well to avoid losing them to your competition.

Try these 5 tips for starters. There are still more ways to market your cleaning business like having your car display your business name and logo so your company name will be visible around town when the car is being driven around. Although you have a website it would still get listed in the yellow pages. Cover all bases that can help you secure clients for your office cleaning company.

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