Internet Marketing Or Online Marketing – You're Having a Laugh

One entrepreneur says to another: "I've just been in the Far East prospecting for gold." "Japan?" requests the second entrepreneur. "Gosh, no," he replies. "I used much more scientific methods."

It's humor like this that makes the world go round and makes the long wait to make money on the internet worthy and let's face it, it is a long wait. I must spend an hour a day deleting emails promising some get rich system or new software designed to build your list up to 1,000,000 within a week! The latest, sorry, one of the latest I have received is promoting a well known flying insect method. Now I am not knocking this method but I do think they are targeting the wrong people among the right people if you know what I mean.

If you are just starting out, you need to find out how to build a web page, upload it to the web and drive traffic to it. Well I do anyway. I only started in January this year (2009) and I was struggling to find I found out how to do it properly.

From knowing nothing I now have 2 websites up and running. I can build my own site, upload it to the web and I am currently driving traffic to the sites and I admit this is the hardest bit. But perseverance pays off in the long run. All this since January. I started this article with an amusing (really!) Story, so let's end on the same note.

A guy was lost in the USA by the Washington Monument. He stopped a cop and asked, "What side is the State Department on?" The cop answered, "Ours, I hope."

Well I am on your side. The side of the "virgin" entrepreneur. So let's make a stand against the "fast buck" merchants. Set your goals, find one mentor and follow his teachings methodically and most of all stay focused. The success will come.

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