85 Year Old Man Learns How To Read

Did you ever want to achieve something so bad but were afraid to try? Did you want to learn something new but did not have the time? Did you ever after years and years of thinking about this finally achieve it? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, read on.

Did you ever hear the expression you are never to old to learn something new. Well in this story I am going to tell you this is true.

I have been friends for twenty years with a man named Bob. Throughout the years, all he has ever wanted to do was learn how to read. I tried to help him but finally came to the conclusion he was slightly dyslexic.

When he was growing up in Northern California he did not have a formal education. He spent his childhood working in the fields along with his family picking fruit and vegetables.

Bob earned his living managing a large hotel dining room, a traffic policeman, and last but not least he worked with cement. When he worked as a cement finisher he became a supervisor with his excellent skill and his fluent speaking of Spanish and English.

Bob told me that he would like to write a book someday on cement finishing. He was truly one of the best in his field. He knew cement finishing and he was the one called on to fix the mistakes of others.

It is really amazing how he was able to function in his daily life. Let us not forget his work employment with only the knowledge of knowing his ABC's is truly a miracle.

He did tell me when he was a cement finisher he had to travel the freeway frequently. It was hard for him to read the signs and many times he was late for work after missing his freeway exit.

This is the most amazing man I have ever met in my life. He is so creative and can make and remodel just about anything with his hands. Now at the ripe age of 85 he decided to truly achieve his dream and learn how to read.

He is learning how to read through a wonderful program sponsored by the public library system. He has been on this program for five months and he can read like a semi pro. He is so proud of himself and I am proud of him. He told me he was able to read all his bills and pay them without any help from friends or relatives. What a boost to his self esteem. I want everyone to know that you are never too old to achieve your goal and dreams.

Can you imagine what he could have become if he would have had an education. When you can read the world is open to your imagination and it can soar higher and higher.

Bob says to everyone young and old. "If you do not know how to read learn!"

Being an author of a children's book I always ask children if they like to read. I am sad to say that the major of the children I speak to do not like to read – or do not have any desire to read. The last 10 year old girl I asked this question – She said to me: "Why do I have to learn how to read?"

Thank you for reading my article. Please feel free to read any of my numerous articles.

Copyright 2006 Linda Meckler

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