Advantages of E-Mail Marketing Using the Lighthouse Marketing System

You are in network marketing and you have decided that marketing your multi-level marketing (MLM) business on the internet makes perfect sense. One of the methods to generate interest in your opportunity is by way of e-mail marketing offered by the Lighthouse Marketing System. E-mail marketing is one of the many techniques taught in the Lighthouse Marketing System.

E-mail marketing can be one of the most effective marketing, advertising, and sales tools. It is one of the most cost-effective ways of distributing huge amounts of information, coupons, special offers, promotions, and new product announcements.

Sounds great? Right? Before you dive into this technique there is something you need to know. There is a right way and a wrong way to do e-mail marketing. Many newbie online marketers I come across think that buying e-mail lists found in those home business or work-at-home type magazines is the way to do it. Wrong!

Buying those lists can get you into trouble because those lists contain people who are NOT targeted to buy into your product or service. Even if they are, they are NOT targeted to buy from you, the online marketer. Part of this reason is because lots of the people on those lists do not know who you are and will automatically hit the spam button on their screen or simply delete your e-mail. If you get too much spam complaints, you better be looking for another home-based business to get into because your website and account can be shut down.

In the Lighthouse Marketing System, you will be taught the right way to do e-mail marketing by sending e-mails to people who are targeted for your business opportunity. That means you will have to painstakingly build your own opt-in list. This takes time and money on your part. No joke!

Once you have built an opt-in list, you can start marketing to them. Many of the benefits that Lighthouse Marketers find when doing e-mail marketing are that:

  • e-mail is quick and reaches your prospects instantaneously.
  • e-mail marketing lets you to target or sectionalize your prospect list by interest, geographic location, sex, and age.
  • e-mail marketing requires no stamps or envelopes to lick, no printing, no burning of gas to get to the post office, and no waiting in line at the post office.
  • e-mails can be tracked so that you will know if prospects opened your e-mail offer and initiated clicks on the links found in your e-mails.
  • e-mail response rates are higher than traditional advertising.
  • e-mail automation with LMS notifies you if e-mail addresses are legitimate or not and allows you to remove the "bad apples" in the bunch.
  • e-mail marketing is a proven and effective means of advertising.

The simple rules you need to be aware of with regard to the LMS e-mail marketing system are that you must comply with the laws involving spam. The last thing you want as an online multi-level marketer is being labeled as a spammer. When you send out campaigns, you want your prospects and existing customers to show interest, read your e-mail, make a purchase, or pick up the phone to call you about your online opportunity.

Another rule you must heed is that you must respect their privacy and include a way for uninterested individuals to opt-out of your list.

E-mail marketing is a great way to connect to your prospects to develop that rapport with them before you introduce them to your business opportunity.

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