How Men and Women Communicate

Research has shown that the communication styles of men and women differ significantly. This difference will help a couple manage their finances more effectively and achieve goals more efficiently. Unfortunately, these advantages are not experienced by all men and women. The compatibility might not arise in daily interactions because both are more consumed by their differences and both do not experience the advantages of cooperation.

Men are more inclined to express their needs, interests, and wants and then wait until others do the same things. Women, in turn, are inclined to ask or end their sentences with a question. This will often lead men to guess what their female partner wants. Women will gently give answers without expressing what they exactly want.

Men talk and interrupt much more whereas women like to react on something said by others and often do not come back to the topic at hand after being interrupted.

Men talk about money in a competitive way: “My investment in the stock market went up.” On the other hand women do not talk about money in a competitive way. They even try to avoid the subject of money in their conversations.

Let have a closer look at the different characters of men and women.

Character of Men

Men like to talk about impersonal topics and rarely admit having financial problems and need help to solve them. They are inclined to emphasize the joys of freedom from obligations and make decisions without consulting their partner. Men like to go straight to the point of the problem or do an important thing to achieve their goals. For instance, men go to the toilet to deliver something. On the other hand, women use the toilet to powder their noses, gossip and hang around. Obviously women consider the toilet to be a multi functional room.

When communicating, men like to start talking about a problem at hand and focus on it whereas women do the opposite. This is caused by the fact that men have a mono-tracking brain causing them to be able to focus on one topic of conversation. When the conversation touches many other topics and drags on, they will stop absorbing relevant information. Women are much better to engage in conversations covering many topics because they have multi-tracking brains.

How to Communicate with Men

The character of men is stiffer compared to women and this must be understood during conversations. Avoid communication styles which are not to the point. This will not impress them and they will think badly about their counterparts. So try speak to the point, analyze a problem thoroughly, avoid side tracking, use logic when expressing an opinion, avoid talking about other people, use simple words and a firm voice, appreciate them (stimulate their ego), avoid belittling them with negative judgments, and avoid debates if possible. Use exact numbers when talking to men. By using a more rational style emphasizing numbers and figures, men will be able to understand better. So when giving directions, avoid vague markings but give exact signs they can use to find their way.

Character of Women

There are huge differences between the characters of men and women. Women like to talk about themselves, their financial problems, and do not hesitate to ask for help if necessary. They do not consider that to be a burden. Thanks to their multi-tracking brain, women can talk about different topics in a fast way which is an amazing thing. Women like talk about other people. They can talk about others for hours with their female friends. The easily express their feelings and opinions. They value friendship a lot and will ask for help and guidance from their friends. They are less independent in decision making and need the help of men in this respect.

Women like to hear nice words which sound like music in their ears. They discuss sensitive issues indirectly and use imaginary examples to discuss a problem. However, they are good listeners and it is difficult to accuse them of lying. Women are superb in detecting sincerity of others through their body language and tone of voice. For this reason, men like to lie through the phone which is much safer!

How to Communicate with Women

Women with all their beauty are much more sensitive than men and have many other superior traits which all require a gentle approach. When we make a mistake it is going to be difficult to fix it. When communicating with women try to avoid being to the point, talk about social things and daily life to attract their attention, use gentle and civilized words, use social and psychological words, use moderate tone of voice, and use decent and focused body language. It is possible to emphasize some topics, but avoid statistics, numbers and other exact data. Use a warm and friendly psychological approach. Appreciate them by praising all women in general. Of course compliment their clothes and accessories at the start of conversation. Women like to form friendships instead of cold and stiff business relationships.

They like to foster long-term relationships and unlike men, they do not like to look at relationships with a cost-benefit approach. When giving directions do it like this: “The address you are looking for is nor far from here. You just need to pass McDonald’s on your left and the building you are looking for is just in front of you.” There are no exact numbers in this explanation and this will be much better understood by women than men.

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