Sculpture Anyone?

Are you experimenting and looking for another art outlet? Have you considered sculpting?

Sculpture has been with us for as long as man has been in existence. Archeologists have located many wooden, clay, and stone objects used by early human inhabitants of earth. There are collections of both art and craft articles which were made by early man.

Sculpture is a form of art expressing itself into a three-dimensional object. The object may be molded, chipped or cut depending on the medium used. It is art because it is beautiful. It is a craft if it has a practical function. The object can be both an art and a craft when it is both beautiful and functional.

Many of us were exposed to the art and craft of sculpture when we molded clay and chipped wood during our early years of school attendance. We may have been given the opportunity of more advanced projects during high school years.

The years have passed, but this may be the time as an adult to consider taking classes or teaching your self to create these two or three-dimensional art pieces.

The mediums of choice will include sand, clay, wood, sawdust, plastics, plaster of Paris, paper, paper Mache, wood, metal, snow, and ice. The sculptures may be constructed with human hands or using various types of tools.

It is recommended that you start with small projects. This is a less costly way to experiment with different mediums until making a final choice.

People Enjoy Sculpting Because:

  1. They enjoy touching and feeling the clay between their fingers and in their hands. It is a tactile art.
  2. Taking an ugly or throwaway object and creating beauty.
  3. Seeing something dirty becoming a shiny new object
  4. The enjoyment of carving an object from a block as though releasing a hidden secret
  5. The smiling faces of spectators enjoying the beautiful works of art.
  6. Just for the sake of creating something from nothing.
  7. Converting from a block a working and functional object, such as a stool, to bring comfort to humans
  8. Being able to materialize the mind’s vision into a physical object with your hands.

Mobile or Stationary:

Sculpting is no different from many arts in that it can be done anywhere.

  1. You can whittle a piece of wood while sitting on a chair on the front porch.
  2. It can be done in a working studio producing a larger amount of goods for retail.
  3. Work during the day or at night.
  4. Mold or carve indoors or outdoors.
  5. Gather and work with natural mediums or purchase newer developed products
  6. Work with hands or tools

Where will your imagination and artisan skills take you? Will you be sculpting statues, buildings, animals, plants, home décor accessories, vehicles, storybook characters, or abstract art? There are no limits to this creative process.

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