Patience Is a Virtue!

Well it seems that this time of year seriously tests the patience of most women. It is seriously surprising, considering all the things we have to do in order to be fully prepared for Christmas Day. All the examples bought, wrapped and name tagged in our bestest, neatest handwriting, Christmas cards sent off with the compulsory still should be banned, round robin stating how everything is sooooo wonderfully perfect in our world and the children are doing oh so well in their professional career choices. (Pass the bucket please!).

Then the tree needs to be decorated to out do the local garden center one that everyone coos over, the house decked out with so many sparkling outdoor lights, aeroplanes mistake them for the runways.

Oh and do not forget to make, by hand, the Christmas cake, mince pies and Christmas pudding. Nigella, you really have a lot to answer for here honey. Timing of the dinner needs to be planned, menu sorted right down to how many brussel sprouts your family will honestly eat and who's turn is it to sit next to Auntie Maud this year. Consider seriously of ordering the turkey now so it will actually be defrosted by D- day or rather C-day.

Unfortunately, all this pressure is taking its toll on us ladies, according to research by Sheilas' Wheels, car insurance specialists for female motorists. Surprisingly, it is not the never-ending list of chores that have been done that is making our blood pressure and tempers rise; it is the unnecessary waste of time being stuck in traffic-jams that is causing us to see red.

Over three-quarters (76%) of those questioned admitted to suffering ruptions of queue rage at Christmas. These consist of angry outbursts against other motorists such as shouting abuse, to which 51% of women admitted, while 62% vented their anger by hitting the horn of their car. Toot, toot, Ladies. Where has your calm composition gone?

I sympathize with the 19% who simply find this all too much and soon burst into tears behind the wheel, as the traffic in front starts to stack up – again ….

The problem is that this time of year can feel like one big queue. Starting off by trying to find a parking space, then the endless wait at the tills. All you want to do is get home for a nice cup of tea before you have to deal with the next wave of preparations.

So being stuck in a traffic-jam is often the final straw.

Considering almost two thirds (64%) of female motorists think that queuing in traffic 'significantly' eats into valuable shopping time in the lead up to Christmas, it is no wonder that internet shopping on the up.

Furthermore, over half (55%) admitted that Christmas queuing, and the anger it provokes, is the worst thing about the Christmas season, and an estimated half a million Scrooge-like female motorists even thought Christmas should be canceled because of the extra traffic it causes on the roads.

Cancel Christmas? Sometimes that is going just a tad too far.

Think of the wonderful presents you will receive on Christmas morning, lovingly and painstakingly chosen by your dear ones, who took so long in deciding what to get you that they simply had no time left to help you prepare for this festive time.

So here is a Christmas present to you all:


1. Use the time stuck in traffic-jams wisely. Why not have a think about what presents you are going to buy, or plan what to wear to that imminent Christmas party?
2. If you're in a queue for a reasonable amount of time, turn off the engine and accept that you're not going anywhere for a while – surprisingly, this can be very calming!
3. Stay calm with a chill-out CD, or a compilation of your all-time favorite tracks – this is guaranteed to make you feel relaxed in no time.
4. Sing. How ever bad you may feel your voice is, in the car no one can hear you and it's extremely therapeutic.
5. Is you feel the pressure coming to boil revert to a child and count to ten then open and close your fist three times. Works a treat.
6. Keep your concentration levels high whilst being stationary with mental maths like times tables.
7. Wear comfortable, non-restrictive clothes and sensitive shoes. You may have to abandon the car if things get too bad.
8. Have the white wine chilling ready for your return!


1. Visit shopping centers early, make a day of it and come back late.
2. Go with a few friends and stop for a long lunch or an afternoon tea.
3. Be prepared! Download a shopping mall map and plan your route in advance.
4. Do not leave bags on show in the car. Lock them in the boot. You do not want a dodgy scrupulous thief smashing your windows and grabbing your precious items that you have spent hours queuing for.
5. Have a second bottle of white wine chilling as Internet shopping actually takes longer than you think.

Whatever you do, do not think of the sales – yet! Patience really is a value.

Merry Christmas!

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