Saving Money In the United States

Saving money is what every citizen in America claims to strive for. Our society, in this time of day is beyond bankruptcy. We have dug ourselves in a hole so deep that the walls would be difficult to find just to try and climb out of. Our deficit is so large that we owe China twice as much as our worth. Business owners are struggling to keep their doors open while large corporations keep prospering taking all the money from people and keeping it to themselves. Most corporate employees get paid minimum wage or just a bit more. So where is all this money disappearing to? Into the fat wallets of corporate owners and into accounts overseas. Instead of recognizing this, our friends, families and co-workers continue to use services of big corporations allowing them to profit. People do not comprehend that if they were to buy their clothes from local stores and shops they would bring revenue into family operated businesses which would allow those families to spend money on other local businesses. This was the trading mechanism society used hundreds of years ago to keep up with bills and survive. This would ultimately be a win for everyone since it would only be money transferring back and forth between ourselves as opposed to the big corporations that move their revenue elsewhere.

Another important method we need to bring to the table is overspending. The average American family acquires about $117,951 of debt which adds up to $2 trillion dollars statewide. It is extremely unusual that Americans are in debt than England earns a year. Why is this we ask ourselves? Is it because our mentality is to want everything that our neighbors have and more? Is it because we are selfish and greedy and will acquire any credit just to live a certain type of lifestyle that we cannot afford? Sadly, this is the honest truth and what lead us to spiral out of control as a country. Our government, along with ourselves, have failed to live within our means.

Here is another myth we live by: “if you pay your credit-card balance off every month, you get “free use” of their money. FALSE. The fact is, 78 percent of credit-card holders do NOT pay off their credit cards every month. Credit-card users spend 12 to 18 percent more when using credit instead of cash. It hurts to spend cash, so you spend less.”

We really need to reevaluate our spending habits and where exactly we spend them. Use a family owned coffee shop instead of the local Starbucks. Shop at the small local shops for attire as, opposed to shopping at the mall. Purchase your car insurance at a family owned agency, instead of getting ripped off by money hungry insurance companies. Most of all stop using your credit cards so much and live more conservatively. Our children are our future and we want to raise them with the correct ethics and morals.

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