Understanding the Levels of Marketing Performance

Responsive Marketing Level: The first level of marketing performance is the level of responsive marketing. This level is basically when the marketing performance is executed in the form of an affordable solution at the identification of a clear need. The most suitable example for this marketing level is the invention of dishwasher. Clear need existed keeping in view the fact that women didn’t want to waste their time washing dishes hence dishwasher came into being at affordable rates. At this marketing level, you can be sure that there is minimum risk because of the fact that a clear need exists and the customer isn’t required to be made aware of the need. He can easily identify the solution of the need when a solution is provided. At this level the solution is affordable, so the product acceptance is not a problem either. Hence briefly, the responsive marketing level is the level of minimum risk.

Anticipative Marketing Level: The second level of marketing performance is the level of anticipative marketing. In this level, the need is anticipated but not directly stated by the customer for one reason or the other. This level includes the anticipation of customer needs and provision of a solution to the needs unstated. An example of this is the invention of mineral/bottled water. Ambiguous need existed keeping in view the fact that the water is getting polluted. This level of marketing also requires an awareness campaign. It is required to make the people identify the need and ready to accept the solution. If they don’t identify the need, they would never accept the solution. At this marketing level there is moderate risk present. If you fail to make people aware of the need to which you are providing the solution, the solution will ultimately be rejected by the market thus causing you to lose market.

Need Shaping Marketing Level: The third level of marketing performance is the need shaping marketing level. This level of marketing performance is when a company launches or provides something that wasn’t needed by the people or even imagined by the people. This level includes coming up with a creative solution to a problem that wasn’t actually a problem. It wouldn’t be wrong to call such a product an extra luxury. An example of this is invention of an iPad or an iPod. People had no need of iPad or an iPod but apple launched it considering the fact that change keeps the market going. The acceptance level of these products was extremely high and hence Apple succeeded in living up to its image of the cult brand. At this marketing level a high risk is present. Be careful while opting for this level!

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