Article to Video Marketing Benefits

Article writing has been one of the more popular ways of driving traffic to a website. You can submit your article to a variety of article directories and if they should get syndicated then you can expect even more traffic. There is now something called article to video marketing which takes marketing to a new level.

Articles tend to be made up of a header paragraph, body text and a summary paragraph. There are no set rules, but this kind of structure will serve you well.

Try to make your article informative and educational. If you can inject some humour then do so. It cannot do any harm and will make the video light hearted in nature.

Converting articles into video marketing tools

What makes article to video transfer an innovative way to do marketing? Instead of a plain text article the content now becomes visual. You can read out loud the words and record it.

For people who are visually impaired the audio part of the article can be very beneficial. The audio alone can be enough to engage the person.

If you have captivating article to video material you can expect a good supply of traffic back to your website. The benefits here are easy to see: More subscribers equal more sales and profit for you.

You can upload a video article to video sites, but also add them to your website or blog. This can help to move you up in the search engine rankings. Hopefully you can see the benefits of video marketing and how it can help your business.

Some people also ask, can you make money on YouTube using article to video content. The truth is you can, but you need to do the article conversion correctly and create something of benefit to viewers.

Video marketing keyword research

There is so much content on the internet you may be wondering how your video is going to be found. The truth is it may not unless you do some keyword research first.

Think of the terms people would type into a search engine to find your video. Whatever your niche is it will have a number of search terms that people will type into search engines such as Yahoo, Google and Bing.

For example, your niche could be on how to stop smoking. The likely search terms would be things like ‘Stop smoking’, ‘Quit smoking’, ‘how do I give up smoking’ etc. Try to think of what you would type in if you wanted to locate something on the internet.

Have you come across the Google keyword tool? This is a free keyword tool that will tell you the terms people are searching for each month. Make a note of these terms and save them to a file so you can refer to them later.

When looking for good terms to use, pick something that gets at least 50 searches a month and keep the upper limit to around 5000.

Also make a note of any related keywords that you can use for the article to video project.

Your main keyword term can be used in your YouTube video description. It should also be part of your video filename. By doing keyword research you are optimising your video for the search engines which in time will be good for your traffic.

How can you create an article video?

To create a good video you need article to video software to convert the article into content rich video.

Microsoft PowerPoint is a good candidate to convert articles into video, but it can take a lot of time to do. It may be worth handing this task over to someone who has the correct article to video converter software and has experience of doing it. There are plenty of article to video businesses around who can handle this kind of work.

If you are outsourcing the work keep in mind the following:

  • Ensure the narrator speaks clearly and comes across well during the article to video conversion process
  • The video conveys all points concisely
  • Content is well put together and has a nice flow

To convert the article you need to grab the main points and bring them into the article to video software. Don’t use huge paragraph chunks. Tidy it up until all looks presentable.

It is off-putting to have to read a lot of text in a video as it defeats the purpose of doing it this way in the first place. Try and keep things simple and ensure your article video content runs for no more than two minutes.

Sometimes people have short attention spans and you don’t want them wandering off to look at other videos.

YouTube Promotion

Now you have your article converted, you can now go and load it up onto the video sites on the internet. The most popular one is of course YouTube. Keep in mind this site will get you a ton of viewers for your article to video content and some of them are likely to come and visit your website.

As part of your article to video strategy, make sure you add your link in the video description as well as to the video itself.

It has been rumoured that YouTube uses technology that can identify and rate video content. With this in mind, make sure your keyword is mentioned verbally in the first ten seconds of the video.

Your keyword should be placed in the first few words of the YouTube description.

Ensure your keyword is among the tags you choose to enter for the video. Multiple words are separated by speech marks so try to use variations of the keyword.

For example, if your keyword is ‘cat training’ you could use something along the lines of “cat training” “cat training for kittens” “Persian cat training” etc.

If you look at the top ten videos in your niche you will get an idea of which videos are popular. By doing this you can tell which are the popular keywords being used. Your article to video content will benefit from more tags so use any additional keywords in there.

Have a look at other videos related to your niche and leave a comment on them. Leave a good comment that adds value and it is likely your comment will be approved and people will check out your video.

You can also ask the owner of the video to become friends. You can do this easily in article to video marketing. The owner will appreciate your comment, if it is nice of course.


I have outlined some useful article to video strategies for you to use. If you want to you can do so by creating an engaging well made video. If you use these tactics you can be sure to stay ahead of the competition.

If you are asking can you make money on YouTube then you now realise what is involved.

By spreading your message in diverse ways you are increasing the likelihood of getting sales and customers.

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