How Do Porn Stars Last So Long? – Their Secrets Revealed

I bet anybody who has ever watch adult entertainment has wondered how do porn stars last so long when they have sex with such amazing looking women. I know I sure did. So I decided to find out what their secrets are.

Luckily I had some contacts in the industry and managed to watch a few shoots and ask some questions. Everybody involved was more than happy to help, generally they’re a very friendly bunch. I guess who wouldn’t be given what they do for a living.

So what did I discover? Well of course there is some camera and editing trickery used, they are in show business after all. But these guys were also amazingly professional, and they had quite a few tricks to help their endurance. They wouldn’t get paid if they didn’t perform. The best bit is you can use most of these techniques at home to help your own duration.

Some of the most common methods were:

  • They used lots and lots of lubricant to cut down on the friction. This was something everybody (including the actresses) seemed to swear by to ensure that both males and females had a good time.
  • They used condoms, and many guys used the newer ones with a small amount of local anesthetic in the tip to reduce the stimulation. You can buy these at just about everywhere you can get the regular kind these days.
  • If things were getting out of control too quickly, they stopped, had a break and focused on something else for a while. You could use this at home by easily too, try oral on your partner if you want to keep her arousal levels high.
  • They would often quickly finish the first time, but knew that after that they would be lasting much longer. Many guys at home try strategic masturbation before big dates if they want to impress a new partner.
  • They think about something else while on the job. One guy I talked to was writing a screen play so he worked on that in his mind. Another would replay a basketball game in his imagination. Just about everyone had a trick to take their minds off of what they were doing. The old cliche about listing batting averages works great too.

There is a brief outline of the most common methods that answers the question how do porn stars last so long. I discovered much more while I was on set.

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