Diet in Disease

In the diet during disease, breakfast may consist of fresh fruits, lunch may comprise raw vegetables with acid and sub-acid fruits, and for dinner raw and cooked vegetables, or light starchy vegetables like beet, carrot, cauliflower, egg-plant and squashes may be taken. Sweet fruits may be added to this diet after seven days.

Foods are classified as acid-producing or alkaline-producing depending on their reaction on the

urine. Calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium present in foods contribute to the alkaline

effect, while sulphur, phosphorous and chlorine contribute to the acidic effect. Depending on the

pre-dominating constituents in a particular food, it is classified as acid-forming or


The effect of food stuffs upon the alkalinity of the blood depends upon their residue which they

leave behind after undergoing oxidation in the body. It is an error to presume that because a

food tastes acid, it has an acidic reaction in the blood. For instance, fruits and vegetables have

organic acids in combination with soda and potash in the form of acid salts. When the acids are

burnt or utilised in the body, the alkaline soda or potash is left behind. Hence the effect of the

natural fruit acids is to increase the alkalinity of the blood rather than reduce it.

Based on the above observations, the following charts show the common foods with acid and

alkaline ash:

A – Foods Leaving An Acid Ash

(One-Fifth Class)

Barley Eggs

Bananas (unripe) Grain Foods

Beans Lentils

Bread Meats

Cereals Nuts except almonds

Cakes Oatmeal

Chicken Peas

Confections Rice

Corn Sugar

Chorolate Sea Foods

Coffee Tea

B – Foods Leaving An Alkaline Ash

( Four-fifths class )

Almonds Melons

Apples Milk

Apricots Onions

Banana (ripe) Oranges

Beets Parsley

Cabbage Peaches

Carrots Pears

Cauliflower Pineapple

Celery Potatoes

Coconuts Pumpkins

Cottage Cheese Radishes

Cucumbers Raisins

Dates Spinach

Figs ( Fresh and Dry) Soyabeans

Grapes Tomatoes

Lemons Turnips


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