Fire Safety Education – Top Things to Teach Children

Fire safety is one of the most important lessons you will get to learn in your lifetime. Not only are fires extremely dangerous, they can also claim lives and damage properties. Fire, which comes at the least moment you expect, is something that you should always be prepared for. This is why, education fire safety is at the forefront when it comes to teaching children about lessons in safety.

Parents, teachers, and child care providers should all work hand in hand to teach kids regarding the basic principles of fire safety. Here are some of the most important things that kids should learn.

1. Escape Routes

Whether in home or at school, children should know about escape routes. Older children who are mature enough to understand directions should be taught about the nearest fire exits located in the promises where they are usually at. It is also a must that they know the correct ways on how to escape. This can be done through a regular fire drill practice. Teach them to touch a door knob first before opening it so they know if there is fire on the other side. Have them practice crawling during the fire drill as poisonous smoke tends to rise above the air during fire.

2. Fire Safety Equipment

Kids should also know about the basic fire safety equipment including fire extinguishers, smoke alarms, fire ladders, fire hoses, fire blankets, and so on. They do not need to have to learn how to use each one of these but it is important for them to know what each one is for. For example, they need to know that smoke alerts give off a loud warning sound to indicate a fire accident. When kids hear this sound, they would know about the fire and they can respond to it the way they have been taught to do so. While children should not be taught to fight fire using fire equipment, they can be taught to use fire blankets to cover themselves while escaping the burning concessions.

3. Preventive Measures

The phrase, "do not play with matches" has become a cliché BUT this does not in any way diminish its importance. Kids should be made to realize that playing with matches or any other dangerous item that is flammable or combustible can lead to serious dangers. Tell them the possible consequences of their actions so that they will not attempt to do these things out of curiosity.

4. Emergency Preparedness

Aside from learning about the escape route and knowing the proper ways on how to exit the burning promises, kids should also learn about one important thing on emergency preparedness and that is the Stop, Drop, and Roll method, which should be clearly illustrated to them by doing it yourself so they know what to do in case they or their clothes catch a fire.

Educating kids about fire safety is not that difficult since many of the kids today are smart and advanced in thinking. Just be sure that you do not miss out on anything important so they will be well informed regarding the rudiments of fire protection.

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