Photo Book Stores: What a Racket

If you are in college right now you are probably ready to go spend a few hundred dollars on books for this coming semester. Hopefully you have noticed how expensive these books are. The college book store's prices are high! The worst part about it is that they buy books back from students for next to nothing, and they sell them for triple what they paid for them.

Another tactic used by the book stores to make more money is to sell the new volume of the required text. This means that the students who have the old volumes are stuck with a book that they can not sell, and the next round of students must buy the ridiculously over-priced new edition. This usually happens without warning and is not known until the school's book store refuses to buy back certain books. If you are lucky your teacher will base his or her course on material that is covered in both old and new editions, and you can pick up an old edition from a friend for a relatively cheap price.

Some college students care enough to get their books somewhere else like EBay or Amazon. Other students just can not refuse the low cash offer for their valuable books at the end of the term. Students could save more money if they use some kind of book exchange service that is non-profit. Although for the time being sites like Amazon and EBay will suffice. College students need to utilize their networks to do something about getting ripped off every semester.

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