Fun Facts About The Internet

The Internet is one huge place where billions of people have fun on a day-to-day basis. To be more precise, 2.3 billion people from all over the world are using their desktop computers, laptops and from recently mobile phones and various other gadgets to access the Internet each and every day. What seems to be even more amazing is the fact that in the last decade there was phenomenal growth of over 500% when it comes to the number of Internet users. These numbers are only there to help you visualize how important the World Wide Web has become to us – it is now an inevitable part of our daily routine. So, the next time you sit behind your computer screen and connect to the Internet, know that you are not the only one who performed this task. Instead, the next time you deny the influence the Net has on you, remember that one third of the world's population is online every and every day, and this includes you too.

Internet Usage
As mentioned above, nearly one third of all the people in the world use the Internet daily for many different reasons. However, you need to pay attention to this – these numbers are not the same for every country or every continent in the world. Moreover, there is a big difference between the number of Internet users in Africa and Europe, for instance. While it has been estimated that only 4% of the population in Africa use the Internet, Europe, on the other hand, boasts a 24% Internet usage.

Do Teenagers Use the Internet Moderately?
After discussing the numbers relating to the amount of Internet users across the globe, it is also important to mention age groups. As expected, teenagers spend a lot of their free time online, but the numbers suggest that they are not the ones who spend the most time on the Internet. Even though teenagers spend approximately 30 hours a week online, young people between ages 21 and 35 make the largest proportion of Internet users. So, in case you fall into the latter category, do not tell off your kid for spending too much online. Your child has you to limit their Internet usage, and who is supposed to tell you when it is enough?

Web Cameras
Fortunately, the Internet is evolving more and more, and its users find the new technology to be very useful. When it comes to web cams, it was a long road until they became as useful they are today. In the past, web cams had a purpose, but what they were used for then were quite a bit different from the ways that web cameras serve today. Namely, the first web camera had a very unusual purpose – it was used for monitoring a coffee maker at Cambridge University. Its users found a very interesting and practical way to use a web camera, as they could see when the coffee maker was empty.

How Much Content Is Available Online
The amount of content that resides on the Internet is another very interesting fact. According to statistics, there are 5 million terabytes of data online. When you take into account that a human brain could store from 1 to maximum of 10 terabytes of data, these unfathomable numbers are really impressive.

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