Going Beyond The Crime Scene Is the Work Of Forensic Science

Today our legal system relies heavily and borrows from the Forensic sciences with their various applications to examine evidence and determine the causes and other facts in solving both criminal as well as civil law suits.

Forensic sciences have developed with enlarged scope and wider applications including several sub systems and scientific methods being adopted to help examine and solve legal as well as criminal cases through the evidence. As early as 7th century, history has it that humans had developed unique method of identification of humans based on finger printing techniques developed by them. Forensic science is said to have developed fast after 212 BC.

Forensic science has now been replaced universally with shorter form forensics everywhere. This term has also been used as a misnomer to mean and refer to legal and legitimate things as a synonym to law suits.

Since forensic has become synonymous with criminal investigations and has been universally accepted at the term, it has now found a place in the dictionaries too where it is mentioned along with the original term.

It was during Roman Empire that Forensic science seemed to have received impetus to be developed extensively in legal settlements. History has it that criminal cases used to be argued both by accuser and accused in public assembly of peers.

In the assembly, who ever could present their case with demonstrated skill of presenting logic and forensic evidence coupled with verbose arguments and statements seemed to win the legal cases very similar to our modern day courts where in arguments are presented by lawyers and attorneys

In any crime investigation, both forensics as well as Crime Scene Investigation seems to have a major role to play. Though they seem to be similar and overlapping, both are distinctly different in matters of objectives. Crime Scene investigators are concerned with finding evidence at site, accumulating, preserving, cataloguing and finally presenting it as physical identification along with other evidence in the court to help nail the accused.

Today Crime Scene Investigation has become a broad based discipline involving scientific methodologies as well as logic, law, mathematics and other interdisciplinary skills and approaches too.

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