Being Prepared to Defend Yourself

Have you ever wondered what emotions you would have or how you would react in a situation that would require you to defend yourself from a violent and aggressive attacker? Would it be the “Fight” or “Flight” thoughts making their way into your brain, or would you just freeze up and do nothing? Are you prepared to defend yourself, do you have the tools and knowledge to ward off an attacker?

Many people purchase different personal security products that are meant to assist them when defending themselves from an attacker should the situation arise. From Tasers and Stun Guns to Pepper Spray people spend their hard earned money on personal protection only to put the Pepper Spray in the glove compartment of the car, the Stun Gun in the

kitchen junk drawer, or the Taser on the top shelf of the closet where they are sometimes forgotten about. It is up to you to remember why you purchased a personal protection product, have it readily available and be prepared to use it to protect yourself and your family.

Take for instance pepper spray, the first thing you should do is get familiar with it. Go outside and take a Styrofoam cup for a target, and the reason we recommend Styrofoam is because it shows results of what pepper spray does to a person. Make sure you are not spraying against the wind, spraying into the wind causes the spray to have particles come back on you. Stand approximately 6 – 8 feet from your target, turn your release off and aim at your target. Once you are ready, hit the button releasing the spray. You will see that pepper spray starts to burn the Styrofoam. So imagine what it does to a potential attacker. Not only that, you have just given yourself a lesson in using pepper spray. But it doesn’t stop here. Anytime you are alone, walking to your vehicle in a parking garage, leaving a shopping mall or just simply getting home after sunset. Take out your pepper spray and be prepared.

Stun Guns and Stun Batons have also proven to be a safe and non-lethal alternative for self defense. They range in voltage of 50,000- 950,000. Most stun guns are operated by 9 volt alkaline batteries. Load your stun gun with batteries and click the on switch, depending on the voltage you will hear clicking of the shock, the higher the voltage the louder it will be. Men and Women differ on how they carry their stun gun. Men normally put it in a holster and where it on their belt where women puts it in their purse. We recommend the same technique mentioned above when you are alone. Take out your stun gun and turn to the on position, if you are in danger and have the need to use a stun gun you must make contact with your assailant. You must be prepared in a moments notice.

Tasers offer 2 ways of defending yourself. Tasers fire 2 probes up to a distance of 15 feet that transmit pulsed energy through the wires into the central nervous system causing immediate involuntary incapacitation to an attacker. The other way a taser would be effective would be the “Drive Stun Backup” which is similar to the stun gun method, applying the device directly on your attacker. Tasers can be worn in public and are considered a non-lethal weapon.

There are certain state restrictions on tasers, stun guns and defense sprays so we recommend you check your local and state laws.

Training yourself with a non lethal weapon of choice gives you the understanding of why you have the weapon and the courage to use it. You can’t predict if or when you could become a victim of a violent assault, but doesn’t it make sense to be prepared in case you are a potential victim. The best defense is having the best offense.

Fight Back – Don’t Be A Victim!

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