How to Earn 6-Figures in Holistic Nutrition

Does this story sound familiar to you?

You graduated from nutrition school totally jazzed about building your holistic nutrition practice.  You thought you had all the pieces in place for a successful nutrition business – the counseling program, the website, the business cards, the brochure, and the fire inside to spread your message about holistic health and nutrition.  You’re doing workshops, meeting referral partners, launching events, and coaching clients…you’re working your butt off!  And yet you’re almost dead broke.

I know your story, because I had the same experience!

Until one day I realized….why waste your valuable time and money building your practice using unproven strategies and trial and error, when it’s possible to discover the biggest mistakes – and the most effective strategies – of Holistic Nutrition Professionals who have careers that are already thriving?

I mean, how much money and time could you save if you could analyze, understand and MODEL real-world, profitable holistic nutrition practices?

With this in mind, I interviewed ten top holistic nutrition pros to discover EXACTLY how they built their booming careers.  And I learned that there are three keys to success in holistic nutrition.

1.    Passion

Most holistic nutritionists got into this career because they had a personal experience with nutrition that utterly transformed their own lives. They have a deep, burning conviction in the transformative power of nutrition, and a driving desire to help other people experience that transformation.

2.    Persistence

Would you believe that even Dawn Jackson Blatner, author of the best-selling “Flexitarian Diet” and featured nutritionist in magazines and TV shows all over the country, was turned down over and over again for almost every job she got? Even this brilliant and gifted nutritionist, who has made an indelible mark on the industry, had to push past “NO” a hundred times. 

Kathie Swift, Dr. Mark Hyman’s featured nutritionist in “UltraMetabolism” had to spend years convince top doctors about the benefits of nutrition and functional medicine before she could help create the now world-renowned nutrition and medical programs at Canyon Ranch Spa and Resorts.

These trailblazing holistic nutritionists had a driving passion for their work, and they simply didn’t take “no” for an answer!

3.    Passive Income

There is no doubt about it – the most successful holistic nutritionists are able to go beyond the traditional model of seeing individual clients and being paid by the hour.  These savvy nutrition pros know exactly how to package, price and market their services, so that they have products and services practically selling themselves when they’re asleep, at the gym, or on vacation at the beach!

By leveraging this kind of passive income stream, the top holistic nutrition pros have been able to easily explode their practices into the six-figure mark and beyond.

So what does studying and modeling the careers of successful Holistic Nutrition Pros mean for you?

If you’re someone with a passion for nutrition, who wants to turn that passion into a career…

It means that it IS possible to make a great living while doing you love to do, instead of going to a job everyday that drains you.

If you’re a practicing holistic nutrition pro, but you’re not getting enough clients or making enough money…

This means the difference between getting two clients this month, and getting TEN clients this month.

For both practicing nutrition pros and nutrition-pros-to-be….

This means the potential to add a ZERO onto your currently yearly income…by helping people transform their lives through the power of food.

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