Psychiatry is Junk Science


A FACT is something that can be proven to exist by visible evidence.

An OPINION is something which may or may not be based on any FACTS.

A Belief or Conclusion is based on what one thinks rather than on what is proven or known to be true.

Using these definitions is important when considering the psychiatric drugs used on our citizens.


From the original source.


Not obtained from the original source; Borrowed.


Derived, as information, from the second after the original or primary source; hence, stale. Also, of questionable reliability.


An organized body of knowledge which, proceeding from certain definite axioms (laws or rules), is able to predict knowledge. It does not have variables in it.

Science is the systematically arranged knowledge of the material world gathered in a four step process:

1) Observation of phenomena;

2) Collection of data;

3) Creation of a theory by inductive reasoning [ie reasoning from the facts to a general rule or principal; from Latin inducee introduce, imply, persuade,

4) Testing the theory by repeated observation and controlled experiments. And it is workable and invariably right.

Margaret Hagen, Ph.D., a psychologist and lecturer at Boston University, says these are some of the key criteria for a science:

"The finds discovered through observation in one laboratory must be replicable in another laboratory. Data measured and collected by one instrument must be the same as data collected by another similar instrument. repeatable results. "


According to Peter Huber, author of Galileo's Revenge: Junk Science in the Court Room:

"Junk science is the mirror image of real science, with much of the same form but none of the same substance …. It is a hodgepodge of biased data, spurious inference, and logical legerdemain [trickery], patched together by researchers who enthusiasm for discovery and diagnosis far outstrips their skill. It is a catalog of every conceivable kind of error: data dredging, wishful thinking … and, now and again, outright fraud. "

Paula Caplan, Ph.D., author of Manufacturing Victims:

"What is now called 'psychology' is … 'junk science' …. As disquieting as this may be, in the psychology industry, scientific principals are violated, research is ignored and, in some cases, data are misrepresented or even fabricated to fit the need. "


DISEASE: In medicine, strict criteria exist for calling a condition a disease. In addition to a foreseeable group of symptoms, the cause of the symptoms or some understanding of their physiology [functions and activities] must be established. This knowledge elevates a diagnosis to the status of a disease.

A "fever" is not a disease, it is mere a symptom.

Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite that is transmitted from an infected to an uninfected individual by the bite of a particular mosquito. Its symptoms include periodic chills and fever. These coincide with mass destruction of blood cells and the release of toxic substances by the parasite, which cause the disease.

SYNDROME or DISORDER: In the absence of a known cause or physiology, a group of symptoms that one sees repeatedly in many different patients is a syndrome or disorder. In psychiatry, all of its diagnoses are merely syndromes or disorders — groups of syndromes presumed to be related. "The diagnoses are called disorders because none of them are established diseases," says Dr. Joseph Glenmullen, Harvard Medical School psychiatrist.

Depression, Anxiety and ADHD are labeled as "disorders" based on the opinion only of psychiatrists. There is no known physiology or cause by which they can be identified. There is no medical or scientific way to test for and confirm any of these to be an "illness" or "disease."


To bring back to health, make well: to get rid of.


To make whole again.


  • "We do not know the causes [of any mental illness]. [Dr. Rex Cowdry. Psychiatrist and director of National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), 1995]
  • "The time when psychiatrists considered that they could cure the mentally ill is gone. [Norman Satorius, president of the World psychiatric Association, 1994]
  • "What's a cure? … it's just that it's a term that we do not use in the medical [psychiatric] profession." [Dr. Joseph Johnson, California psychiatrist during court deposition, 2003]
  • "Psychiatrists were surveyed about their" fantasies "about their practice. Their Number 1 fantasy was:" … I will be able to 'cure' the patient. "The Number 2 fantasy was:" The patient wants to know what his or her problem is. "[Dr. Sander Berger, associate clinical professor of psychiatry at Michigan State University, Psychiatric Times, 1998.]

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