Is Boarding School the Answer to the Bullying Epidemic?

Teen and high school bullying is seriously a new topic. In the past, most may have associated bullying with boys, but the unfortunate reality is that this type of abuse is frequently occurring with females also. Female bullies may look a little different. They are probably popular, skinny and seemingly perfect to their peers. They build themselves up by bringing other girls down. Many schools have enforced anti-bullying acts but it's still happening, and this type of abuse persistently scars girls and young women.

Victims live day after day at school where other girls talk about them, laugh at them in front of others, get harassed in the halls and name-call. Researchers and counselors who have interviewed teen girls who were bullied have found that they have developed ulcers, eating disorders, used drugs, became depressed or even suicidal. Many even required psychological counseling into their adult years.

At what point do you decide to remove your bullied teen from her local school system and move her to a place where she can be treated as an equal? What if bullying has led your daughter to develop a drug and alcohol addiction? Would you consider boarding school?

Hollywood falsely depicts boarding school as being only for families with a wealth of money who opt to send their child away for an Ivy League education. In real life, that is not always the case. Teen bullying has increased the numbers of girls who are attending boarding school in the US

There are a number of boarding schools available through the US Take some time to research the ones closest to you. However, just because a school is a short distance away does not mean it will be the right fit for your child and the treatment she might need. Chrysalis School Montana is one boarding school in the US which is specifically for girls ages 13-18. Other all girl schools for high school ages include The Hockaday School (Texas), Linden Hall (PA), Saint Mary's School (NC) and Emma Willard School (NY). The most important step is to research your potential schools and take time to visit them before making a decision. One-on-one interviews with the school's faculty can really give you and your teen a good feel as to whether a specific school is a good fit and feels like home.

On the flip side, should you discover that your child has been bullying other students, she may require mental health services and counseling. Girls who exhibit aggressive and abusive behavior towards their peers may be expressing symptoms related to trauma, personality disorders, bipolar disorder or other issues. Regardless of her role, if your daughter is involved with bullying, she needs help.

Finally, if you fear your child might have been bullied at school, do not assume that this is certainly a harmless act or one-time occurrence. Remember that bullying can leave repeating scars, both physical and emotional.

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