Compatibility and Attraction Made Easy by Using this Ancient Science!

Did you ever wonder why you can be strongly attracted to someone you have just met? There really is an explanation and it can be found by studying the Ancient Science of Numbers. I am talking about Numerology. This science is older then astrology and somewhat more accurate in it’s readings.

Unless your one of the lucky ones who practically trips and falls into the hands of their perfect lover, finding a compatible mate can be trying and taxing to say the least. This doesn’t have to be such a painful, unforgiving process if you just use the tools of this ancient science.

Numerology takes the harmony and disharmony you feel towards others and will give you a sense of why you feel this way. Knowing a persons basic number as well as your own will help you to understand this ever so complicated thing called, intimate relationships.

Now that you have a slight, basic concept of what numerology is and how it may help you let’s get started. It is very easy to find your basic number. If you were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th of a month your basic number is considered 1. Basic number one people like to be in charge. They express themselves on the intellect side, not their emotional side. Basic one people don’t like being second to anything or anyone. They are very logical people and would expect their partner to be the same. Basic one people tend to be attracted towards those born in the months of April, August and February. A one person should avoid serious relationships with people born in the months of January, May and October. There usually is just too much conflict for this relationships to withstand.

Basic number 2 people are those born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, or 29th of a month. Basic two people are usually very emotional and it shows throughout their relationships.They are very sensitive people and tend to shower their friends, family, lovers, partnerships, and companions with love. Basic two people are not happy until they have a companion, but they should not rush into an early marriage. Those born on the 29th of the month should never get married early. Basic two people are born listeners, which can be taxing on them at times so they should select their friends carefully, Anyone born in the months of March, May, July, August and October would be suitable in a relationship with them. Just the opposite is true for those born in January, April and November.

Number 3 people are those born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th. Love seems to be elusive to those under the number three. Basic three people want to be something someday and will expect that from their partners. They expect high achievement from their family and friends as well which can put a strain on all of their relationships. Career is what drives number three with domestic issues taking a backseat. If and when they do want to settle down, attraction will come with those born in the months of March, December, April, November, and May. Only strife will result from those born in the months of February, June, August, and September.

Those born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st are considered number 4’s. These very unusual people tend to like odd relationships, They like dating outside of their culture. They like dating outside of their religion and ethnic backgrounds. Love and romance tends to come from the most unusual places for them. Basic four people get hurt very easily and tend to stay wounded for long periods of time. People born in February, August and June are very attracted to this seemingly, odd human being. The opposite holds true for those born in the months of January, May and October.

Basic number 5 people are those born on the 5th, 14th, and 23rd of the month. Being a five is almost like being considered a sex machine. Basic five people tend to be good looking, which constantly draws others of the opposite sex to them. Animal magnetism is what draws lovers, but since most five people like their independence and freedom, the one who gives them that lead, is the one most likely to get them. Number five should never get married early. Although most people are naturally attracted to the number 5, those born in the months of February, May, June, September, and October may have the best chances of winning their heart. Caution must be used with anyone born in the months of January, March, and December.

Number 6 people born on the 6th, 15th, and 24th of a month are very loving people that lean towards a maternal love. They tend to have a pleasing personality as well as physical attraction. They must feel like they are appreciated and be able to express their love deeply. Personal attractions will come from those born in the months of March, May, July, October, and December. With the opposite being true for those born in the months of January, February and August.

Basic number 7 people are those born on the 7th, 16th and 25th of a month. They are very spiritual and love their families and friends. They appreciate kind gestures but sometimes find it difficult to give in return. They tend to hold back their emotions and like to keep their thoughts and feelings inside. Doing this tends to cause very rough times in their relationships. They tend to enjoy quiet low key partnerships, until they find that special someone.Those born in the months of February, May, July and August tend to be promising. Just the opposite holds true for those born in the months of January, April and November.

Mental and logical are those born on the 8th, 17th or 26th of a month. Because of their deep, intense almost dark like nature they come off as being cold when first approached. Many misunderstandings in the early stages of a relationship are caused by this uncaring, lack of affection demeanor. Number eight people tend to be attracted to much older partners. Once that right person comes along the number eight sheds the dark persona and surprisingly is an intense, warm, passionate lover. They will attract those born in the months of January, March, May, and October. Those born in the months of February, August, June, and September may also have a shot at entering this deep, intense world of the number eight.

Number 9 people are those who are born on the 9th, 18th or 27th of a month. Number nine people thrive on an openly aggressive relationship. They take great pride on being known as energetic and brave with dynamic personalities. In fact these are the exact traits that they look for in their prospective lovers. Harsh tongues and quick tempers tend to be one of their drawbacks. Once their compatible mate is found they can easily be manipulated by that loved one. The best relationships for the number nine are those who are born in the months of May, July, October, November and December. The opposite holds true for those born in January and July.

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