The Jump Manual Program Review – The Truth on the Jump Manual
The Jump Manual program by Jacob Hiller is one of the most popular vertical jump programs today. In this Jump Manual review we will take a quick look at the pros and cons of this vertical jump program and discover if it really for you or not.
So what exactly is the Jump Manual?
Developed by Jacob Hiller who has trained high school, college, NBA, Olympic athletes, and professional dunkers for more than ten years, the Jump Manual is a vertical jump program that can help you to add about 10 inches or even more to your vertical jump in less than 3 months.
In his program Jacob Hiller breaks down vertical leap into nine elements: strength, quickness, neurological recruitment, fuel, balance, form, flexibility, body composition, and hereditary factors.
By breaking down your vertical leap into these elements the program really targets every facet of vertical explosion and that's why you can expect to add those inches to your vertical jump.
However, to find out if this program is really for you, lets take a look at the pros and cons of the Jacob Hiller's vertical jump program:
The Jump Manual Review – The Pros And Cons
The Pros
Amazing Videos Collection – In the members area of the program you will find complete training video library with videos showing you exactly how to do every exercise and stretch.
Very Useful Nutrition Plan – Exact nutrition plan showing you exactly what you can eat to increase gains, and reduce injury. You will see exactly what you need to eat to have your body in muscle building mode.
Complete Workout Chart – The Jump Manual program provides complete workout chart showing you exactly how to get the maximum effect from your workout.
One-On-One Training – The one on one training is the only way to ensure that all your individual personal questions are answered so you can have 100% confidence in your training program. The One-on-one training is provided via email and in my opinion this is the most helpful aspect of this program.
The Cons
The main and actually only disadvantage that I found about this vertical jump program is that it actually requires you to get organized and get working in order to see the results you are expecting to see. There is also the multiple contact opportunity that can be seen as a disadvantage because you might have to wait a few hours to get an answer.
The Jump Manual Review – The Bottom Line
Overall, The Jump Manual program is very comprehensive and I found this program to be very useful for me.
The program was also chosen as the best vertical jump training online by Kenny Roda from ESPN radio and by "Fadeaway" the "Slam" magazine of the UK in August 09.
If you want to increase your vertical jump and you have those extra bucks this program may be the best choice for you. However, if you are on a short budget there are some cheaper vertical jump programs that may be a better choice for you.
I hope that you found this Jump Manual review to be helpful for you, all the best!