5 Ways to Use Social Marketing to Grow Your Business

5 Ways to Use Social Marketing to Grow Your Business

Web 2 technologies have revolutionized the Internet and networking capabilities have increased exponentially. The main boost in networking was the result of social networking sites and their overwhelming popularity. These websites also proved to be a powerful tool in the hands of marketers and the new trend of social marketing is here to stay. Here are 5 ways by which you can use social marketing to expand your business and increase your profits.

Meeting People in the Cyber World and Making New Friends

Social networking sites like Facebook provide a very good opportunity to come in contact with a wider audience of people and make new contacts. A little research and you also get to know what people like and what they are interested in now. This is a valuable resource for any business as you can potentially extract a huge target audience from these social sites. You can dramatically improve the number of people in your email list which comes in handy when launching an email marketing campaign.


Social networking sites provide a big window of opportunity to advertise yourself and your business. Most of these sites provide you with a page that is viewed by the public in general. There you can put up your profile and all the information about your business. This is one of the best ways to increase traffic to your main website as you can provide direct links to it on these pages.

Consistent and Regular Contact

Posting messages on sites like Facebook and Twitter are an excellent way to stay in touch with current and potential customers on a regular basis, in real time. Tweets are proving to be the best means to provide regular information to your customers and contacts of all the new developments taking place in your business. New product info, discounts, and new deals can be broadcasted across a targeted crowd very quickly, at almost zero cost.

Create Good Profiles on Different Social Sites

Your profile is what introduces you to people. Take extra time to create this page as you do not want people to get the wrong first impression. Do not lie in your profile and always attach a photo of yourself. There are many people who misuse social networking sites and spam other people; therefore it is important to have an adequate, well laid out profile to create an initial feeling of trust. Having a photo and providing an honest description of yourself gives an authenticity to your profile so that people are more likely to take you seriously. For more exposure you can also create your profile on a variety of social networking sites.

Focus Groups

Many of the social networking sites have a focus segment of members called interest groups. For example Buzznet has people who enjoy pop culture and are interested in music. Cake Financial is a social site which has members who are interested in investing and other financial activities. So joining a social networking site which is more focused on the type of business you are running would be a good idea. Chances are you are going to meet like minded people, who are in turn probably going to be interested in the type of products or services you are selling.

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