Finding a Top Marketing Recruitment Agency to Help Find Your Next Marketing Job

Marketing jobs in Leeds can be hard to find. There are a large number of new marketing recruitment agencies appearing throughout Yorkshire, with many recruiters deciding to set up new recruitment companies. These micro recruiters often work from home, with very little over heads. The power of the internet to search for 1000s of CVs with ease, on large recruitment sites has created several new problems.

I recently had a phone call from a 'one man' recruitment agency, informing me that he had put my CV forward for a job (without my knowledge) and I had been offered an interview. I did not like the way my CV had been submitted without my permission or knowledge. Having complained to the marketing recruitment agency directly, I also rang up the company that had offered an interview and asked them not to deal with this recruiter in the future. I was happy with them way they handled the situation and felt confident that my reputation had not been damaged.

This brings me to the topic of how to choose a top marketing recruitment agency. As a candidate it can be very hard to decide which agencies to approach when looking for a new job. It is best to apply with one or two good marketing agencies rather than many poor agencies.

If you have friends in the same marketing industry, why not ask if they have used any marketing recruitment agencies and could they recommend one. Even with the power of the internet the old fashioned word of mouth can still be the best source of recommendation when choosing a recruitment agency to use.

Finding the right agency for you, could be as simple as contacting real people near where you are looking for network marketing jobs in Leeds . They usually have good relationships with clients within their area.

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