Best Workout To Jump Higher – Best Exercises To Take Your Hops To The Next Level

Searching for the best workout to jump higher?

There are many exercises that can be done to increase your vertical leap. Some or more effective some or less effective.

The more effective exercises will have you jumping out of the gym.

Do you play basketball?

  • If you are on your high school basketball team and you follow the exercises that I am about to share with you. Be ready to be all over the sports page of your schools website and the local news papers. Also you can expect to get the attention of college scouts. Because the exercises are just that effective for increasing your vertical leap. Your jumping ability will increase that much.
  • Same thing for college players; if you are looking ways to better your game and get the national attention of some N.B.A teams or top plays on Sportcenter. Start with the exercises contained in this article.

Even if you are a playground baller and just want to dominate the playground game, this is the best workout to jump higher.

Okay enough talking, lets get to the exercises for the best workout to jump higher.

Remember to always stretch and warm up before doing any of the following exercises.

The best way that I have found to warm up is jumping rope for 3 to 5 minutes.

Exercise 1

Step Ups – steps ups are the 1st exercise in the best workout to jump higher and will develop and work the muscles need to give you the explosive jumping power that you need for jumping off of 1 leg. Not everyone jumps the same.

  • You are going to need a chair bench or stool for this exercise(anything you can put 1 leg on and it has to be sturdy enough to withstand the force of you thrusting yourself into the air off 1 leg.
  • Place your right leg on the chair or bench and thrust yourself as high into the air as possible and as explosively as possible
  • While in mid air switch legs so that the leg that was resting on the ground is not the leg on the chair
  • After you land thrust yourself back into the air with your left leg and do the same switch mid air again landing with your right leg on the chair.
  • After each leg is done this is 1 rep, do 25 reps in 3 sets

Exercise 2

Burnouts – are the 2nd exercise in the best workout to jump higher and they focus on developing and strengthening your upper calf muscle, working and training your upper calf muscle help to develop explosive leaping ability that you need when playing basketball.

  • Stand tall in a athletic position with your arms at your side
  • Raise up on the tips of your toes
  • Using only your tip toes, jump 3 to 4 inches in the air and keep it continuous
  • Each jump is 1 rep, do 25 reps in 3 sets

Exercise 3

Squat Hops – are the 3rd exercise in the best workout to jump higher and they help to increase your vertical when jumping off of 2 legs to perform the monster dunks that you will soon be doing.

  • With your back straight and legs shoulder width apart, lower yourself into a low squat position
  • Raise up on your tips toes as high as possible
  • Jump 3 to 4 inches in the air while staying in your low squat position
  • On the last rep of your set explode into the air as high as possible(this last hop is very important so do not forget to do it
  • Each hop is 1 rep, do 25 reps in 3 sets


  • Do each exercises in the correct manner and proper form(5 reps done correctly is more effective than 20 incorrect reps)
  • Also to do each exercise in the best workout to jump higher as explosively as possible(your body needs to know that you are trying to get higher)

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