The Best Way to Find Active Web Hosting Coupon Codes

If you know the best way to find active web hosting coupon codes, your new website can suddenly cost you a whole deal less. Web hosting is becoming a bit of a cut-throat business, with new companies springing up almost daily. There are literally thousands of web hosting companies online, all vying for your business, and while prices are tumbling, features are improving. That's great for the consumer that is looking for a web host, but it goes further than just tumbling prices.

Web hosting coupon codes are special codes available for specific web hosts, and sometimes specific packages offered by web hosting companies, that you can enter into a box on the sign-up form or at checkout to secure yourself a discount. This discount can be small, such as 5 or 10 percent on a package price, or as high as 100% off your first payment.

Bearing in mind that you normally pay your hosting fees monthly this might not seem a lot, but it means that you get a month to get your website up and running without paying anything. If you can earn at least your next month's payment during the month that you are online free, then you could end up getting all your web hosting without having to spend a cent of your own money. How cool is that?

Not all hosts operate their web hosting coupon codes the same way, and some might ask you to enter their web hosting promo code when you are checking out, and the amount of the coupon code will be deducted from your payment. Make sure the deduction is showing before you complete the transaction. However, there are other ways to operate such discount coupons other than by a flat deduction.

Some might offer you a free trial, or close to it; Hostgator were very successful with their 1 cent trial that you could only get by entering a valid Hostgator web hosting coupon code into the box they provided when you signed up for the trial. You can also be offered either a flat amount of cash off, such as $ 10 or $ 50 or even much more than that, or a percentage off your total cost, such as 50% off. That way, the more you spend the more you save, and is a way of web hosts using coupon codes to sell their more expensive web hosting packages.

Your coupon code might entitle you to free domain name registration rather than anything off the hosting itself. This is of value only when you buy the cheaper hosting packages, since each domain costs only around $ 10 a year, although some web hosting companies offer more than one free domain, making it a more attractive offer. You might be offered free hosting further down the line, such as three months free after paying three months. You do not save immediately, but will later on.

To find the best coupon code for you, you should first decide upon what kind of web hosting package you require. Do not choose your hosting package on the basis of the coupon codes available for it. You could probably end up paying more than you need rather than saving. Decide what is most appropriate for you and look for a web hosting coupon code to suit that kind of package. You might have a favorite hosting company, or already know what you need.

Once you find the coupon code, make sure that it is active. Many are past their use by date, so look for an active coupon code that applies to the package you have chosen. However, where should you go to find the best coupon codes? An online search may work, but you often find a bewildering array of offers, and it is generally better to look for a web hosting review site that compares web hosting companies and the different packages they offer, and then provides you with coupon codes for each .

That's by far the best way, and that way you can check out a number of popular web hosts, the packages and prices they offer and then get the active web hosting coupon codes available for your choice. That's far better than trawling through page after page of sites all offering the same codes for the same web hosts. Far better!

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